Dem Rep Thinks Girls Losing to Boys (Pretending to be Girls) is Good for Them - Granite Grok

Dem Rep Thinks Girls Losing to Boys (Pretending to be Girls) is Good for Them

Democrats continue to insist that despite the risks (fraud, assault, injury, etc.), if a boy wants to play on the girl’s team (use their locker room, showers), that’s social justice, but New Hampshire has legislation that would protect girls by limiting sports participation to biology at birth, so – naturally – they have to object.

It takes many forms, but this clip of testimony in opposition from NH House Rep Hope Damon is … interesting. She very politely and calmly reminds us that losing builds character. Someone should have told that to the Hillary supporters after Trump won in 2016 or—for that matter—her entire party. They still can’t get over it, but I digress (just a wee bit).

Rep. Damon’s argument isn’t wrong exactly. Generally speaking, defeat properly repurposed builds character, but this oversimplification of the context ignores facts.

Losing builds character if it inspires you to improve toward some attainable goal, and most of these girls work hard to excel at a sport only to be faced with the potential of a fit male competitor (even if he lacks the skills to do well against other boys) who can outperform them on a girl’s team. If they are fit and have skills, we are telling girls to stop wasting their time with diet, exercise, and all that practice. You can’t win (maybe you should stay home and bake cookies).

If she takes testosterone to try and close the gap, she’s doping and can’t play with girls. If she plays with boys, she still loses if she survives. Where is this politically enforced systemic disadvantage building character? It won’t, but it will result in serious injury, anger, and possibly depression. Rep. Damon may have left that out.

And how about this?

Does it build character when a man wins a women’s sports scholarship? How about if that was her only real opportunity to attend a university? Lots of character building, especially when it’s this guy. Franz Lagardas plays both male and female volleyball, and he just got a sports scholarship to a women’s college. I’m sure the young lady he beat out enjoys all that character-building. She could, of course, take hormones as in the example above, but then they might not let her into the women’s college or on the women’s team.

Character building!

Clip – WMUR

One more point. If losing builds character, I hope the citizens in Croydon introduce Rep. Damon to some come November. It sounds like she could use it.
