Another seven calendar days have passed us by for good or ill. The world turns, the sun rises and sets, commenters comment, and I send you seven comments from which to choose this week’s winner.
The poll runs from now until 8 pm Tuesday night.
Here are this week’s contestants (the poll is at the end).
The problem with pot, and any other drug legalization effort, is that it can not work in a publicly subsidized healthcare environment. If you remove the financial and medical consequences of their self-destructive behavior, they will merely increase that behavior. And those of us who know better end up having our finances destroyed, and often our own lives destroyed by their bad choices.
“…green energy is not capable of providing the power required for NH…”
I’ve heard it said that a solar panel, or a windmill, over it’s expected lifetime, will not provide enough power to reproduce itself. One step forward, a step and a half back.
I like GOA’s slogan “ We are NO compromise”. Common sense or some other nifty term is just a small way to crack open the door like Steve said. Dems never compromise, ever. RINO’s play “ I hope they like me and re-elect me” game. Republicans finally stood firm on something, and they will surely get terrible press for it, but this what is needed and expected from their constituents.
Parents don’t go to school board meetings, do not challenge children’s teachers nor administrators and are largely intimidated K-8. And they elect school board candidates that will not supervise and limit the District admin. And NO ONE votes down the school budget – which goes increasingly to so-called “special ed” but now includes this mental health catch all for rogue actions as described. And no one asks where their school taxes go and who is paid for what. Except Annemarie.
Through human history we have been eating things that were not a part of our diet, I actually think what pushed humans well past apes was our ability to eat such a variety of things and tap into caloric sources that were left untouched by our competition. So what does this have to do with lab grown meat? Well honestly food is food, its a sum of its parts, your body is going to break it down upon ingestion. I actually think Lab grown meat could be healthier if done correctly, you could literally modify it to have the exact content you desired for health or taste purposes, I just don’t get the stigma with it, most foods are processed to produce this effect, we are just doing what I am going to call downstream processing, it is something we are already doing with animals, we feed them specific things to produce the desired outcome. Maybe Lab grown meat is corrupted because the current process and management, but if done correctly I don’t see what the issue is at all.
I hope he cleans out the BATF while he’s at it. Biden’s wildly unconstitutional gun grabbing Nazis have been threatening to jail millions of average people for simple possession of items that they have allowed for many years. Bump stocks, pistol braces, even a simple picture of a AR-15 auto sear, all of which are common with literally millions of them out there. Now they want to make it a felony if you sell a firearm without a ‘dealers’ license. They are trying to criminalize making your own gun parts with no serial numbers they call ‘ghost guns’. All of this and much more, they have just dreamed up and made into law without any input from congress whatsoever. Sure it started under Trump with the bump stock ban he got roped into but that question is about to be decided by the SCOTUS
in a few weeks. Trump has apologized for that mistake and is ready to correct it.
First, note how concerned youare about ‘infringing on the rights of innocent, law-abiding citizens’.
Second, go back and check Part 1, Article 2-a of the state constitution. It protects the right to keep and bear arms… for what group of people? Innocent, law-abiding citizens? Or all persons?
The other day, I saw someone who should know better make the blanket statement that ‘criminals forfeit their constitutionally protected rights after they have committed a crime and been convicted by a jury’.
Really? Do they forfeit the right to freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from warrantless searches? Freedom to enter into contracts, or have children? Freedom to travel?
No, they don’t. Why not? Why do they lose somerights, but not others? Because we just let judges make things up on the fly, and call whatever they say ‘the Constitution’.
Conservatives who have spent decades beggingfor things like HB1711 are now acting surprised and outraged because they’re getting what they asked for:
All of this comes back to what I said the first time I testified at a bill hearing: If the legislature is going to just ignore the state constitution, why shouldn’t the people just ignore the legislature?
The Poll.
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