Resource Conservation … Leads to Price Hikes

Steve MacDonald

One of the golden rules of dealing with proglodytes is that if it’s something you need or enjoy, they try to make it more expensive so you’ll have or use less of it. This manifests as sin taxes or, in the case of things like water or energy, they use fear as a policy to drive up costs, forcing you to use less.

In most cases, the “science” behind the fear is suspicious, with supporting literature paid for by those looking to advance the policies that make the thing more expensive and less accessible. Oil and gas are not made from dinosaurs, nor are these natural earth minerals bad for the environment – but controlling them means controlling behavior, people, and economies, which is the end game.

The recent psychosis over PFAS and PFOA has driven up the cost of that otherwise human right known as water. Early research, almost impossible to find these days, suggested that it was naturally occurring and in everyone (in some quantity) but that there was no substantial evidence of a specific link to cancer. People who handled the stuff and had significantly more exposure had no higher incidents of ill effects than those exposed to much smaller amounts out in the world or the wild. That has been replaced by scaremongering and the term forever chemicals. No one knows that for a fact, but it gets the job done if fear is the job and has become part of the collective consciousness.

If you are not certain about any of that, remember, these are the same people still lying about COVID and its cure.


My water bill went from $30.00 a quarter to close to $40.00 a month—a 300% increase to address the mandated public water filtration following a PFOA/PFAS scare in one part of town. I still have doubts about the problem, the risk, and the solution, but votes were cast, money was spent, and legislation was enacted. Here we are—another liberal wet dream accomplished on unsettled science concretized by fear. People are forced to use less because of price, and another resource (money) gets redirected from more productive purposes in perpetuity. It is forced conservation for lower and middle-class families, summerlong odd-even watering bans, and a contradictory increase in local development that adds thousands of water customers tapping into this endangered resource. The government is stupid, in part because people it has made stupid let it happen.

A fine example of this comes from California. Although it’s mostly desert, people built huge, sprawling cities and massive irrigated plantations. When there’s not enough water, they label it man-caused drought, so water conservation is ubiquitous. It appears the messaging has been too successful. The regional water district isn’t making enough money on the water it sells and has announced a rate hike to make up the difference.

You did what we asked, and now it’s going to cost you … again!

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which supplies water for 19 million Americans, is raising its rates 8.5% in 2025 and another 8.5% over baseline levels in 2026. The district’s projections include raising rates an additional 11.5% in 2027 and another 11.5% in 2028 to finance an $8.2 billion water recycling plant that could provide enough annual water for 1.5 million people.

“The difficult reality is, our costs have risen while revenues have dropped, so we need to take the fiscally responsible step of adjusting our rates,” said MWD General Manager Adel Hagekhalil in a statement.

Their jobs are more valuable than your lifestyle, so millions are diverted from more productive purposes in perpetuity to keep the lights on at the local water district.

But couldn’t you have just asked people to use more water? No. Resource scarcity allows the ruling class to control behavior, people, and economies, which is the end game.

Accepting and understanding this and then backtracking their rhetoric to reality is as easy as turning on the faucet. Or turning it off.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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