Will History Repeat Itself … How Ayotte Flipped On Illegal Immigration After Being Elected Senator

Candidate-Ayotte in 2024 sounds just like candidate-Ayotte in 2010 on the issue of illegal immigration. From a Byron York article written in 2013:

Immigration wasn’t the main issue in the 2010 New Hampshire Senate race. But it was a topic of great interest for many Republican voters, and GOP candidate Kelly Ayotte took a pretty hard line. … “In the Senate, Kelly’s top immigration priority will be to secure our borders — no excuses,” said her campaign website. “Simultaneously, she will work to ensure that existing immigration laws are enforced, and is against amnesty.” … She wanted to make English the official language of the United States. … she said she might consider changing the Constitution to do away with the 14th Amendment’s birthright citizenship provision.

But all that tough talk turned out to be just that: TALK. By 2013, Ayotte was supporting “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is that lovely euphemism for AMNESTY. The bill Ayotte supported would have granted asylum to the then estimated ELEVEN MILLION illegals in the United States BEFORE any border security took effect.

Why the flip-flop? According to Byron York:

… the complex of business leaders, activists, lobbyists and politicos who are pushing the Gang of Eight bill is as active in Ayotte’s home state as elsewhere. But think back to 2010. To win votes, Ayotte had to take a hard-line position on immigration. Now, safely elected and making a place for herself in Washington, she has committed to the Gang of Eight. That’s a big change.

What would a “safely elected” Governor Ayotte do? History is pretty damn clear.


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