Night Cap: You Are Not Saving the Planet, but You Are Ruining Life on It …

Steve MacDonald

Every spring, no matter how soon or how late it arrives, we have frogs and the things frogs eat. We have the things that eat frogs and that eat them, and so on—the circle of life. Everything eats something else.

Every year, no matter the winter, the weather, or the ranting of greedy politicians, climate cultists, or their media allies, it all just keeps happening. And that will continue, warm or cold, wet or dry, even if Joe Biden manages to start World War III. Some years after a long planetary sigh, with or without us, the things we see now, this year, and every year will happen again or things very similar to them. We can’t wreck the world. We can only wreck our world.

The Earth is a greater god than even you. It will recover. We may not. And perhaps that is what you mean, but if it is, why then do you do so much to make the world so miserable a place?

Are you compelled to be the gods you denied exist? To fill the hole created by your secular humanism. Some fill it with sports teams, hobbies, exercise, book clubs, being an insufferable busybody, short-term relationships, drugs, alcohol, gambling, or causes. Gangs, violence, or politics (apologies if I’m being redundant).

The problem with secular humanists playing god is that they don’t imagine they need to beg for forgiveness from anyone or anything while life seems certain. Their pleasure comes from pretending they are doing good, no matter how much harm it causes, regardless of how wrong their prophesies are or how corrupt or demented their leadership.

I can assure you that you are not saving the planet, but you are ruining life on it for the people who are here now for reasons that mean nothing to the Earth in the grand scope but everything to the partisans, politicians, and despots raping it and us today.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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