Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










Not just Do not resuscitate.  Drive a silver stake through it’s heart, then burn it into ashes.  Figuratively, of course.



Amazing how she, and so many others in power, seem to be able to get financial results unheard of by any other persons.



Called it last time!



Do the same for Chuck E Cheese Schumer and a camera.  😀







“D” privilege.









D vs R, of course.




Never ask a question unless you’re prepared to hear an answer you might not like.



Where is that path intersection point?  Southern Illinois.



That’s a killer meme right there.



After kids it will – is already starting – to be “zoophilia” as well.  Call it “Interspecies Affection”.  (Term coined here.)




Told you.  How in the Seven Hairy Hells does a frickin’ traffic court judge have the pull to even try this?












There really is a strong movement to trans your kids.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Mask Droppings – Liberty’s Torch (

When blacks act up,

Neighborhoods burn.

When whites act up,

Continents burn.

Spicy time is coming.  On one cause:

CRISIS: Medicare and Social Security are Underfunded by $175 Trillion | NC Renegades

Speaking of Spicy Time:

There’s Only One Terrifying Reason for a Woke Indoctrinated Military and This Is It – PJ Media

Exactly right IMHO.

The Left Demands Millions of Human Sacrifices to Appease the Gods of Climate Change – American Thinker

Germany’s Unstable Power Grid…Coal Plants Will Be Needed “For A Very Long Time – Climate-


It’s truly a cult.

WARNING: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are Closer Than You Think (

I have to wonder at the researchers who think this is a good idea.  Related to vaccines and such:

Why would the Japanese Ministry of Health Increase its COVID mRNA technology Vaccine Health Damage Budget by a Staggering 110 Times vs Previous Estimates? What caused this? LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY (

An intriguing question.

Inadvertent Exposure to Pharmacologically Designed Lipid Nanoparticles Via Bodily Fluids: Biologic Plausibility and Potential Consequences (

I have no evidence except what I’d call awfully-convenient timing, but I’m 99% convinced I picked up mRNA from the wife.  Now if there’s ever a test developed, I’m all over that.

Pharma Stock ‘Mattered More Than the Price of a Life,’ Physician Tells Senate Roundtable • Children’s Health Defense (

That’s become clear, not just with The Jab, but – for example – Merck and Viox.

The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths – Vigilant News Network

Checklist of First Aid Supplies We’ll Need After The Collapse (

So many things to get, so little money…  but do what you can.  Related:

Read This Before Buying Survival Food – Ask a Prepper

How to Hide Your Stockpile in Plain Sight – Ask a Prepper

Democrats Want to Liquidate the Kulaks – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

Taking after their forebears.  Liquidate you, and replace you.  Or have their imported army do it:

Biden’s Border Invasion Will Inflate Democrats’ Electoral College Majority – Geller Report

TREASON: Biden Regime Admits Flying 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Secretly to at least 43 Airports in the U.S. to Lessen Border Crossing Numbers  | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

‘A War for Our Minds’: Journalists Warn of Vast Propaganda, Censorship Network Unlike Any Before in Human History • Children’s Health Defense (

And it’s so effective that the vast majority of the sheeple won’t see it, even when you show them evidence.  Paging Yuri Bezmenov.  In part, IMHO many of the sheeple are convinced of their intellectual superiority.  My working with prison inmates, and the training I got before I did, made it very clear that the cleverer you think you are, the more likely you can get conned.

The Disturbing End of Our Modern ‘Me’ Culture – Intellectual Takeout

Common sense be damned, the message being sent by peak health bodies across the Western world is that the needs of children are of little consequence, so long as the adults in the picture are gratified.

A culture in a death spiral.  Related:

Secret files show how international group pushes shocking experimental gender surgery for minors (

Doritos Hires Transgender Who Fantasized about PedophiIa, Mocked Victims of Rape, Wants Destruction of Traditional Family – The Lid (

Don’t just gnash your teeth.

  1. Spread this information to others
  2. Write a physical letter to PepsiCo, the top-level parent company. Emails and comment forms can be filtered to simply not pass through impolitic feedback. Actual, physical letters are harder to ignore:

Ramon Laguarta


700 Anderson Hill Road

Purchase, NY, 10577

UPDATE: Already been fired.  Apparently (HAH!) they “didn’t vet him well enough”.


NO COMPANY engages a person like this without a thorough checking-out.  They just didn’t anticipate the sh*tstorm that came up.  Like Trudope and that Nazi he invited.  Like Bud Light.

Will the Left want to live in the world they are creating? – American Thinker

I’ve said this before.  There’s a scene towards the end of the original Planet of the Apes movie, in which the central character, Taylor, is about to set out to explore, and Dr. Zaius said “Don’t look for it Taylor… you may not like what you find”.  The same applies to the Left.  They aspire to their planned and prophesized paradise.  They won’t like the reality of what they find.


Socialistopia - notice j

Killing the Boer, American Style – American Thinker

All the good little Leftists and Globalists cheering for the end of the White race will definitely not like what they find.

Will the Left want to live in the world they are creating? – American Thinker

Related to White genocide:

British man sentenced to 2 years in jail over anti-immigration stickers | Human Events |

Price of major food staple spikes 50% in EU — RT Business News

Happening all over.  The constrictor squeeze tightens.

Biden Goes To Court, Demanding Warrantless Surveillance Powers (

How… how… how do people still cheer this?  Rhetorical question, I know.  It assumes the Left has a sense of honor and decency.

Electric cars release more toxic emissions than petrol-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment | Daily Mail Online

No surprise there.  Related:

Scientists Raise Alarm over Bill Gates-Led Geoengineering Plans to ‘Reverse Global Warming’ – Slay News

COVID-19 Protests Are Back – PJ Media

Let any Covidian that wants boosters and masks – have at it.  Evolution in action.

Everything But the Skirt — WaPo and NY Times in Helpful Cheerleader Mode for Biden’s SOTU – PJ Media

However much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.







This multiple layer of justice, etc., is one reason why people lose faith in the system.  Which is the point.






All these people who hate-hate-hate Western culture?  Then… leave!







Look, if an ADULT wants to transition, that’s their business.  I think they’re loony-tunes, but their business.  NOT CHILDREN.




Add: That government has your best interest at heart.



Perspective of the victims as non-human is how every genocide in history works.






AMEN!  And here’s an old essay I pulled up – finally – from my archives on my old blog about anchor babies / birthright citizenship (and related thoughts):


E Birthright Citizenship Immigration and Voting







Effective.  In parallel, your dad is gonna kill the father.



A person in my peripheral social circle is multiply-Jabbed-and-boosted, and recovering from yet another bout of Covid.  And is utterly grateful for the Jab, because… all together now… “Without the vaccine it could have been much worse”.







Actually, in my case, I stopped when I realized how utterly naïve they were on national defense.





I can’t say I like what he’s done, but he does have a point.  And to quote the proverb, If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.





Pick of the Post:



And so Western Civilization falls.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.





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