Housekeeping: Daily Grok Newsletter Update and Other Business …

Just a heads up regarding the newsletter. We have seen some small improvements in email delivery as a result of the ongoing tinkering with the SPF and DKIM, but nowhere near where we need ot be. Gmail is still a problem, so we’ll keep at it.

We did change the email “from address” back to I have also added a second automated release.

If you are receiving it (many of you are still trapped in the SPF DKIM problem) beginning this morning, you should get a morning and evening newsletter. This is so content normally trapped at the bottom of the current distribution gets a chance to be near the top.

The morning update will include the previous day’s nightcap, and posts published the previous evening. The evening newsletter will start to arrive around dinnertime (ish) and should lead with the 4 PM post and then back through the afternoon into the morning content.

If you are signed up for the newsletter and still not getting the emails please keep visiting the site a few times a day to stay caught up. We have had a rise in quality op-eds as well as consistent content from a handful of regular contributors, and we don’t want you to miss their words.

In other news, I’m ust waiting on my webby mistress of internet design to tell me she’s ready to complete our site rebuild. I keep hearing soon, but we’re still on Grok 3.0, and there are a bunch of front and backend fixes we’ve skipped that the rebuild should resolve.

Once the new battle station is fully operational, we’ll work in the ad-free VIP, and I have someone in the wings waiting to use the new site to roll out a GrokApp.

We will keep working on the newsletter issue. If I can’t solve the plug-in-to-server-to-security-verification issue, we may need to go back to MailChimp or something similar. It is an added cost, but I’d rather figure out how to pay for that and ensure content delivery than the reverse.


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