Defund the Police (Chief)!

Julie Smith

That’s right, I said that.  If the Hollis Police Chief doesn’t care to serve and protect Hollis until the moment of his upcoming retirement, I say that his retirement should be defunded.  Chief Hoebeke appears(looks and acts) like his Merrimack counterpart, Chief Levesque.

I was just about to say how to bring yourself up to speed, but this article is about “problem police,” and I don’t want to jinx any leadfoot readers who might find themselves in that snooty 30mph town in the near future.  Therefore, I will leave you this link to my recent article on Chief Levesque and sanctuary cities.

Merrimack and Hollis are not cities, but they have a few things in common. They’re suburbs abutting Nashua, so let’s hope that the Merrimack River will keep Hudson safe from all the political cancer that Nashua has spread to Merrimack and Hollis. There are a few symptoms to note. Hollis lost ALL its House representation in the last election and Merrimack lost 25% of theirs. Merrimack is a much bigger town, so they haven’t bottomed out in the House just yet, but let’s move on to the police.

As much as I despise public radio, it happened to be the source that brought this to my attention. You can click here for the article that comes with a 5-minute audio interview with Chief Hoebeke and see or hear for yourself. Hollis is just as much a sanctuary town as Merrimack. Notice the number of times he says “undocumented persons” in such a short interview. This police chief disgusts me, and I certainly hope that his retirement is sooner rather than later.

Given all the enemy camp talking points, he said, I sought to verify if he was a card-carrying member of the enemy camp, and my research is inconclusive at this time.  It appears that he lives in Bedford and is undeclared, noting that the data powering the Nosey Neighbor App is from 4 years ago. I have no reason to think anything has changed unless he went R just to vote for Nikki Haley and failed to switch back.  As I said about Chief Levesque, I don’t want to be accused of doxing Chief Hoebeke, so fact-check as you wish, but I’m guessing he’s NOT a fan of Denise’s hairstyle OR voting record!


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