What’s Happening in the Classroom? A Teacher to Follow

Ann Marie Banfield

As an education researcher, it’s important for me to stay in touch with teachers to understand what’s happening inside the classroom. I learn from them, and they learn a lot from me. I keep names and identities confidential but always want to make sure I understand a teacher’s perspective.

As a parental rights advocate focused on education, I give voice to parents whose children are in the public schools. Oftentimes, they do not understand why so many crazy things are happening in public education. Parents are also in a position sometimes where they are concerned that their child will receive backlash in school if they are critical of what’s going on.

There are a lot of problems in public education that need to be exposed. But if you don’t have someone willing to speak up, how will you ever know what’s going on in the classroom? We hear a lot about the radical teachers in the classroom and some of the politicized agendas, too. But there are so many good teachers out there just trying to do what’s best for their students.

What about parents who are not doing their job? What about parents who expect the schools to raise their children? In some ways, that means parents and schools are failing these kids.

Martia Holloway is an unconventional teacher who makes videos on Instagram. She tells you exactly what is happening in the public schools. She talks about teachers, administrators, and parents who are not doing their job. What’s reflected in the child can sometimes be traced back to a lack of parenting, and then school personnel dropping the ball too.

I’ve been following Holloway for a while now, and I find myself clapping after many of her videos. This doesn’t mean I agree with her viewpoint on everything, but she is a teacher willing to give it to you straight. You won’t find many of them out there, so I’d suggest you follow her.

You may not also appreciate her criticisms of parents, but she’s holding the bar high for them the way you hold it high for teachers. She also calls out teachers and administrators who are falling down on their jobs. No one is immune from her constructive criticism. We should all thank her because it takes guts and courage for teachers to speak the truth about what’s going on in our public schools.

Some of her videos include her sharing her outfit selection with the audience when she does her “slay of the day.” She explains where she purchased her clothing, shoes, and jewelry. It’s entertaining, but when she reveals what’s going on in the classroom, that’s when we all need to listen.

Holloway has no idea who I am, although I do frequently comment on her posts, I just felt that anyone who is interested in what’s going on in our schools, should know about her.   You may not agree with her views on everything, but you are certainly going to learn a lot from her.



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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