Some In NH Think Suicide Is Another Issue For Government Intervention

Ray Cardello

Why is it that Democrats put such a low value on human life? Whether writing laws that allow the killing of an unborn fetus up to the moment of birth or now, pushing for the legalization of state-assisted suicides, the authors and co-sponsors of these bills are showing zero regard for life.

There are three Republican sponsors, and maybe Representatives Phillips, Lynn, and Wolf should reconsider their party affiliation. We used to be a country and society that cherished life. We fund research to find cures and treatments for debilitating illnesses, and we used to look at the increase in life expectancy as a success. Today, our government does not intercede with the flow of illegal Fentanyl that kills 100,000 a year, promotes the killing of the unborn, and now wants to facilitate the voluntary end of life.

Below is a summary of the proposed New Hampshire bill scheduled for public hearings at the State House on Wednesday.

Official Summary/Bill Text

HB 1283-FN is a bill that establishes a procedure for individuals with terminal illnesses to receive medical assistance in dying through self-administration of medication. The bill outlines the criteria that must be met for a prescribing health care provider to provide a prescription for medical-assistance-in-dying medications to an individual. The bill also includes provisions for witnesses to the patient’s request and sets a waiting period before the prescription can be filled. The bill provides immunities and conscience-based decisions for those who participate in medical assistance in dying, and it prohibits penalties for health care providers who refuse to participate for reasons of conscience.

HB 1283-FN is a bill that allows terminally ill patients to request a prescription for medications that will end their life if they choose to self-administer the medications. The bill requires the patient to make a voluntary and informed request, and it allows the patient’s health care provider to contact a pharmacist to fulfill the request. The bill also includes provisions for witnesses to the patient’s request and sets a waiting period before the prescription can be filled. The bill also establishes standards of care for providers and allows for mental capability evaluations if there are doubts about the patient’s competence. The bill provides immunities and conscience-based decisions for those who participate in medical assistance in dying, and it prohibits penalties for healthcare providers who refuse to participate for reasons of conscience.

NH has a serious suicide crisis, especially among at-risk teens, veterans, and people living with disabilities. HB 1283 would normalize suicide as medical care to be administered by a doctor and strongly contradicts suicide prevention efforts. Once the initial hurdle is met and the bill becomes law, it will then be an easier process to expand the scope of deciding who meets the criteria to request assistance to end their lives.

A similar bill became law in Oregon, where some of the most used reasons to request assisted suicide include “fear of being a burden to others” and “loss of independence.” If passed, this bill invites coercion. Assisted suicide puts a new weapon in the hands of people who already abuse and exploit the elderly or infirm. The government should have limited control over the public, and inserting themselves into this issue is not where elected officials should venture.


  • Ray Cardello

    As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Ray started his website, Conservative View from New Hampshire, in January 2021 and publishes an article daily. He has published over 1,500 articles, is syndicated on 15 websites, and has published on over 65 sites. Ray has recently added Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles to his site to address specific issues of Maine, his second home. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. He believes that sites like Granite Grok are the way to offset Left Wing propaganda and politicians’ gaslighting.

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