Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





My first and second cartoon concepts – ably drawn by a pro.



democula Eager to devour





A step further than George Zimmerman being a “white Hispanic”.






Your tax dollars at work.






And then nobody finds that sus.









I saw the video from which the stills on the right side were taken.  The girl and her mother are bouncing up and down, giddy they’ve murdered the life inside her.

They’ve made murder into a celebration.







I am reminded of the original Hearst sending a telegram to one of his people right after the USS Maine blew up.  “You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war”.





Cool wall.  That should go on our southern border.  (It’s the new border wall Egypt put up.)  And I still want a minefield and lasers too.





The logic makes sense, Mr. Spock, when you understand that crime and chaos are the goals of those who did it.





Saw a short video of Ann Coulter saying that the fact that nobody was revealing the race of the shooter(s) was a clear indication that he wasn’t white.  Accurate.




If I’m ever at an event where they play that, I’ll do this. 😀






I have a bunch of links below, but if there’s ONE you read from this post, read this one.  It’s long; allocate some time.

Just How Far Will the FDA Go To Protect A Bad Drug? (

Now, reread it again.  From SSRIs to the Jab to pharmaceuticals across decades, apparently, the entire system is corrupt and rotten to the core.  The pharma companies themselves.  Government agencies that are supposed to be watching them.  Doctors and psychiatrists and broadly all medical industry people.

Rotten. To. The. Core.

TV Drug Ads Are Not About Selling More Pharmaceuticals, They’re About Big Pharma Buying off the Media – 🔔 The Liberty Daily

And a comment on another Grok post about pharma whistle-blowers meeting oddly convenient deaths, I’ll add in: there are untold billions of dollars at stake here.  If you’re already ethically compromised enough to permit shoddy research, etc., that you know will cost lives, it’s not such a large step to being willing to permanently shut someone up.






Like a friend of mine once said, “First against the wall after the main shooting stops”.




I was just trying to explain to my boy – after he asked – what “body count” means and why it’s bad.  And I tried to make the simple explanation that physical intimacy was one of the things that truly connects a man and a woman.  When it becomes purely physical pleasure, especially serially, the specialness of it diminishes; it becomes the pursuit of the pleasure hit, which means jumping from one to another to get the thrill of the new.  And I’ll opine that it not only just becomes about physical pleasure, but it transforms to  “What’s in it for me”? (as in the climax) rather than a giving of oneself to another.  Instead of generosity of the ultimate gift of intimacy to your special someone, it’s turns into a selfish focus.





From what I understand, lots of people are starting to pull business – and future business – from there.




I’m not advocating violence.  But should it begin… it needs to be ongoing and relentless.











Public hangings are called for IMHO.




Consider this one:









And why?  Because not only would they have to admit they were wrong… but they’d have to concede that the people they looked down on were right.



I love eggs.






Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Does Anyone Believe This?… New York Governor Tells Businesses “They Have Nothing to Fear” After Democrat State Leaders Fleece Donald Trump of $355 Million | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Just don’t get uppity or cross TPTB and you’ll be OK.  More:

Private Equity Fund Manager Announces He “Will NOT Waste Time” Researching New Business Opportunities in New York After Engoron Ruling | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

There’s a great scene in the movie A Man for All Seasons in which one of the main characters lectures another about the cutting down of all of man’s laws to get the Devil Orange Man.

A Man for All Seasons – The Devil Speech – YouTube

How Would A Post-Apocalyptic Society Function Without Electricity And Running Water? (There were many people in America who didn’t have electricity and running water well into the 1940s.) (

A lot of people are going to die.

Fluoride Has Its Day In Court – by Josh Walkos (

Every day, it seems, I am learning more about lies I’ve been told for decades.  Every day, it seems, institutions that I’ve trusted have proven to be not worthy of that trust.  (See above PSA.)

New study finds that CO2 is increasing the rate by which the globe is greening, even under drought | Just The News

CO2 is plant food and the base of every biological pyramid aside from geothermal vent locations.  These maniacs are going to destroy all life on earth with “carbon capture” and blocking out the sun.

First Look at the ‘Free-Text’ COVID Vaccine Safety Data the CDC Wanted to Hide (

I suspect this will be laborious go to through, but… I also suspect there will be a lot of info TPTB don’t want us to see.  On the Jab:

Massive International Study Concludes That Covid-19 Vaccines Have Numerous Adverse Side Effects – Becker News

The End of Democracy: “What I’m Describing is Military Rule” (

Tucker interview / discussion.

Don’t be shocked if Michelle Obama sneaks her way into 2024 race (

Would not be surprised at all.  Of course its being denied, which brings to mind:



Inside Mayor Adams’ migrant debit card boondoggle — no-bid bank gets $50 million, border crossers up to $10,000 each (

You get more of what you reward.

TL Davis with a great article on how the Military Industrial Complex (now abetted by Big Pharma) was planning a coup in 2016, and got upstaged by Trump because he got more legit votes than they could fraudulently create in time. But they came back stronger, and (aided by Covid) staged an actual coup in 2020, and their efforts since then to hold onto and consolidate their power have been draconian. This ends one of two ways: They win, and we become a totalitarian dictatorship (or more likely an oligarchy), or we HAVE to fight back. There is no other option, and at this point, it’s not politics anymore, it’s WAR:
The Military Junta Called “The Democracy” – by T.L. Davis (

Related: Tucker Carlson has an interview with Mike Benz, who lays out a pretty good case that we are already living under a military dictatorship, as they censor everything that goes against the narrative:

2024 Is Already Being Stolen Through Mass Gov’t Censorship (

Breast milk is one of the best things a baby can have, right? Well that depends on the source, as woke doctors are now saying that it’s OK for a baby to get breast milk from a transgendered man. This means that HE has enough hormones, meds, and other drugs in his body to force his (normally NON-lactating) “breasts” to give milk. But whatever is in HIS body is also in the milk, so these doctors are literally sacrificing the long-term health of these babies on the alter of “wokeness”:

Woke Doctors Are Insane and Dangerous – HotAir

Uh, wut? The manufacturer explicitly says DON’T DO THIS BECAUSE IT WILL HARM THE INFANT, and the NHS Health Trust say “N’ah, it’ll be fine.”

Infants. Heart damage.

Geez, these people deserve a hot place in hell for eternity.

Jeff Bezos sells over $2 billion in Amazon stock third time this month (

Just saw a short video that a multiple people are selling off mass quantities.



Six billion in sales in a month.

🔥 Is Your Food….FAKE? (

Shudder-inducing, IMHO.  Who comes up with these experiments, thought?

Lastly, some spicy time related reading material:

Total Resistance Swiss Army Guide To Guerilla Warfare (1965) : H. von Dach Bern : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive




Pick of the Post:



Pushing, pushing, pushing for WWIII.




Palate cleansers:



You cannot tell me the song didn’t pop into your head.




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.









    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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