I remember way back in the early 2000s when I was exploring my politics. After 9/11, I wanted to know how that might happen and realized years of disinterest left me unprepared to discuss it. Politics. Some might argue I still am. But I tried to learn. I started with the Founding documents and kept going.
Lurking on websites was vital. I could read news and opinions and then skim through comments to see what others felt and why. The first time I dared to add, my voice was likely precarious, but it didn’t end badly. I think Early Red State (2005-2006), and I was nervous, but ideas must be laid out, explored, and tested right or wrong. A few years later, the pile of questions and ideas needed a better outlet, so I started a free WordPress blog. I still have it.
Many articles, connections, and years later, I’ve written on at least a dozen platforms, some for pay and others to get the questions, challenges, thoughts, and observations out of my head. I’m still doing this after fifteen-plus years and probably 25,000 pieces of content later, you probably want me to shut up and tell you who this week’s Commenter of Week is.
I will, but I said all that because we have a lot of folks who aren’t shy about sharing, and at least a few do it as themselves. That’s not a dig on those who don’t or can’t. You have your reasons, and I’m good with that, but at some point, any one of you might want to take the next step as I did, and we’re here for you even if you don’t want to use your actual name. We need to know who you are, but no one else does.
So, congrats to NHnative. You are this week’s winner for this. It wasn’t just a comment but an excellent idea.
One of the most significant plagues rotting NH is our court system… reading this article, I don’t have to tell you how bad it is.
I’d like to know why this is okay with the residents of NH, first of all.
Second, I’d like everyone to know that it’s not that hard today to find yourself IN this corrupt court/legal system.. it’s only then will most people understand what a crisis we’ve got here that just rolls on with seemingly no real efforts to fix anything.
So yes, this does really impact us all.It’s not really IF you’ll have a turn, it’s when.
The majority of folks in NH don’t have the extra money to hire attorneys and take this on like Laurie did.. and this is precisely how this system is designed to work.
Laurie, what I’d love to see you do is start a non-profit, build a team, and help citizens learn what they need to know to represent themselves pro-se to go to court.
NH has a shortage of attorneys, and it’s become more clear that We, The People out here, need somewhere we can go to learn the ropes of taking more and more on ourselves in court.
NHnative, if you’d be so kind as to email me an address I can ship to, I’ll send you your “prize.”
To everyone else, again, damn difficult decision. We’ve got more commenters and comments this week, and again, I can only afford to reward one a week at the moment, but I can still give you a shout-out because there was plenty of great stuff. David Ss, Mike Remski, Bowana, Josue Lugo, Neil Johnson, Dan Batten, Gary Davis, Old Vet, Rick O’Shea, Bryan W, Steve Earle, LunarDog made me laugh (was not a finalist for that), Asperous for “Stop referring to “Lia Thomas” as she/her,” NITZAKHON, gramps, Jay Eshelman, Tombstone Gabby, and more.
As a reminder, if you see a comment you think should be considered, email it to me. In the first two weeks, I received one of those, and I’d like a few more each week if possible.
Thanks for reading and commenting!