Meme Overflow - Granite Grok

Meme Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. And hang on baby… Friday’s coming!

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









At the risk of being crass, you just have to know that every illegal female with even the remote possibility of being fertile is – let me be delicate – attempting to get pregnant.  Because 9 months after that, comes the Golden Ticket.



I don’t think the protestors have any thought that their protests make people like them or want to look into their cause.  IMHO they’re merely showing their power… and how the police, etc., must bend to them.







The bottom center one really hit me.  I’ve seen multiple memes about the fact that a father used to be able to support a family with his own salary… not rely on the wife having to work too.




But… but… but our intellectual and moral superiors assure us that’s not real Communism.





Speaking of puberty blockers, etc.:



DeWine was a squish when I lived in Ohio.  Hasn’t changed.



A good leader, who understood his power came from The People, would take the message sent by the Blade Runners as a signal for correction.  The fact that he doesn’t indicates he doesn’t see The People as his boss…






This is very long, but an excellent essay:

Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming – the Canadian patriot

So far the feedback from those persons to whom I’ve sent it has been very positive.  And quite a few AHA! moments as I read it.




Every time I’ve gone to the hospital I have them PRINT OUT the admissions form; I don’t sign the little electronic pad.  On EACH PAGE I put NO COVID VACCINATION… to be broadened to NO VACCINATIONS AT ALL next time… initial and date, sign the last page, and photograph each page before handing it to them.  Not bulletproof but at least you have that if they do do something.








Is there anyone with any illusions about how the Native Americans would have treated the White Europeans had the levels of technology been reversed, and it was they who crossed the Atlantic to Europe?







In anticipation of a Survival Sunday this weekend.







Remember that unless it’s an ultra-red area, it only takes a relatively small amount to flip it blue.  They plan in terms of decades.






RIP officer.  But… the media wouldn’t release descriptions while the perps were still at large???






















Pick of the Post:



Not just because of the Jew hatred there… this has been simmering in a cauldron of hate for everything American and eveything Western Civilization for years and years.  But, finally, it’s coming to light.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




