ICYMI - Jack Smith's White House Collusion Problem Meets Trump's Top Level Security Clearance - Granite Grok

ICYMI – Jack Smith’s White House Collusion Problem Meets Trump’s Top Level Security Clearance

Trump mug shot

Regardless of your thoughts about President Donald Trump, you should find the FBI raid on his home in Mar-a-Lago disturbing. I won’t relitigate all the content we’ve provided to date here, but the effect the act places on the Left’s alleged love affair with democracy is chilling.

Third-world, banana-republic, former Clinton confidant chilling.

The usual suspects, many of them your Democrat representatives in local and state government, applauded the illegal and unconstitutional raid. The evidence of that is still on social media if you have the bandwidth to scrape it before Jack Smith’s case gets tossed. The glee they express online shows the support of fascism they attribute to their political opponents. And fascist it is.

There is strong evidence of collusion between the White House and the prosecution, and the prosecution is deliberately hiding that evidence from the defense.

Any one of those things should rattle the rusty cage of axes grinding for judicial and sentencing reform. Hiding evidence from the defense is sinister enough, but if it is exculpatory, that is not just criminal. It’s evil.

And maybe you don’t care about any of that. This is Trump. He’s [insert your opinion with or without expletives here]. Many Democrats don’t care about the law unless it advances their petty agendas. Still, Republicans ought to be horrified, even those embedded like a tick in the uniparty ass. Their guy or gal is never going to be dear leader, which means they will always be suspect and a few steps closer to being suicided or executed for crimes against the state by a regime that is happy to claim that taking selfies in the US Capitol makes you an insurrectionist. Life in prison without due process might be in your post-America global reset future, and won’t that be ironic?  You can chat with the once-cackling lefties who applauded without considering the side effects.

This gets me to the point I wanted to share, not that those preceding are not equally relevant. As previously reported, whether or not you believe President Trump can declassify material for his personal use (he can), he still had his top-level clearance at the time of Biden’s raid. There was no US government document in existence he was not allowed to see or possess.

That fact is evidence in his trial that the government is still trying to hide.

In other words, how could Trump have illegally possessed classified materials if he held the highest possible security rating at the time? And then the government’s attempt to surreptitiously erase that inconvenient fact suggests consciousness of guilt.

These facts are too inconveninet for our never-Trump “friends.” The ones making excuses for Vice-President Biden’s possession of Obama-Era documents for which he did not have clearance. The story that the Mar-a-Lago raid was meant to defenstrate.

It seems evident to me, and this is not the first time I or anyone else has made the connection, that knowing the Biden-docs problem would find daylight, they coordinated the Mar-a-Lago raid under the pretense of flooding the media with a false moral equivalency at best and a favorable distraction at least. This was never about what Trump did legally – which will play out eventually (the trial is media-muel distraction); it was to bury Biden’s illegal action.

It’s an easy trick to pull when your victim is some work-a-day schlub who took a few days off to visit DC in early January, not so much when the guy has a lot of money to fight back – another problem with which many on the Left have no issue until it’s their turn. And their turn will likely come under a government allowed to do these sorts of things, and having a (D) next to your name won’t protect you; we will never grow weary of telling you that.

You can still hate Trump and love the law meant to protect all of us. Those who don’t are likely to find out the hard way that they are not nearly as clever as they think.
