[Update] Absentee Ballots Folding on the Bubbles Again – More Shadow Votes in Another NH Election?

Steve MacDonald

If you’re unfamiliar with the Windham election debacles of 2020 (and 2022), you can search this site for the Windham election or follow this link and jump to 5 hours and 7 minutes. The Granite State has election integrity issues documented by the AG that have yet to be resolved, and one of them is alive and well for the NH Primary.

Note: the ballot pictured in the featured image above is from Windham – November 2022 election

Tom Murray and Ken Eyering explain the ongoing problems, the documentation in hand, and the blatant violations of NH election law – with a state-appointed monitor observing and no one held to account. As we note in the segment, starting at about 5 hours and 7 minutes, this is going on all over the state.

Tom is in the studio; Ken is on the phone – some browsers will block this video (Facebook) and may require permission to show it on the page).



I share that, to share this. It’s 2024, and one of the problems uncovered in 2020 was shadow votes created by folded ballots where the crease ran through an oval, which the matching read as a false vote.

According to a source, this problem continues to go unaddressed. “There are 14 towns with candidate Trump on the folds on the absentee ballots! His name appears in the slot position 15.”

Concord Ward 1
Lebanon Ward 3
Nashua Ward 6
Rochester Ward 6
Sugar Hill

That source also claims that “They are also pulling the guards off the scanner feeders because of jamming issues. The election manual was updated making it a requirement to do a fold test. The town of Rye requested to do a fold test, and the Secretary of State’s attorney, Bud Fitch, declared it was not necessary.”

Given the state’s history of ignoring systemic election integrity issues, this is likely very reliable reporting, but we did not have time to confirm it.

Is it going to make much difference? No. With an estimated 330,000 Republican ballots being pulled and cast tomorrow – a record, by the way, for an NH primary – the number of absentee ballots won’t dent that but this should have been resolved. It should not happen. Every voter deserves to have their vote counted correctly, even for that stooge Haley.

Overvotes or double votes will fubar the process and the results and that’s unacceptable.

In other words, voters still can’t trust NH election results.

There’s no excuse for it after a costly forensic audit in Windham uncovered issues that we know are duplicated in towns all over the state. But if we were to focus only on the absentee ballot problem, it makes sense to tighten those rules regardless. Only those who are out of town or physically unable to get to a polling station on election day should be permitted to submit an absentee ballot, but then why should we expect anyone to enforce that election law either?

Don’t scoff. Watch the segment I noted in the Video above and then read this again.



I received some correspondence between a citizen and the government that is relevant to this conversation.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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