At Least One Millionaire Marxist Organizing Anti-Semitic Acts Lives in New Hampshire

He owns 300 acres in the Berkshires, where he set up a commune. His “people” are engaged in protests and vandalism against Jews. He was behind the incident at Elbit Systems in Merrimack (my hometown). Heir to a fortune, he now lives in New Hampshire’s upper valley. He even has a NH Moose plate that reads ‘CCCP.’

His name is Fergie Chambers, and he and his money are on a mission. “[T] to tear down the mechanisms—capitalism, imperialism, liberalism, the rule of law, America.” And?


“Make Zionists afraid,” Fergie wrote in a post on his Instagram on November 15. In another he wrote: “We need to start making people who support Israel actually afraid to go out in public. We need to make all of white America afraid that everything they have stolen is going to be burned to the ground. That’s what makes them listen.”


Yes, Ferige is rich and white. The product of generations of support for Democrats while accumulating what most Marxists would consider obscene amounts of wealth. It’s OK. Fergie is good if you hate him for being rich. He’s more concerned with using his resources to advance the revolution.


Fergie Chambers, an avowed communist since the age of 13, wants everyone to hold it against him forever that he is heir to an enormous fortune. And he’s willing to go to enormous lengths to tear down the mechanisms—capitalism, imperialism, liberalism, the rule of law, America—that delivered it into his lap.

That struggle has taken him from the charming cobblestone streets of his Brooklyn childhood to the mountains of upstate New York to the lake country region of Georgia to the Donbas region of Ukraine and now, back to the woods of the American Northeast, where locals say that his radical political organizing has taken a menacing turn, especially when it comes to the Jewish state on which he’s uniquely fixated.

Where does all the money come from?


Until very recently, by dint of his birth, Fergie owned a percentage of Cox Enterprises, a planet-spanning megacorporation, and the third largest private cable provider in the U.S. Over 50,000 people work there. The fact the Coxes still own the company outright makes them the eighth richest family in America, with a net worth around $34 billion.

It’s like if the Murdochs had double the money. But instead of Australia, they’re from America, and instead of conservative, they’re all—except for Fergie and a lone Republican aunt that no one talks to—establishment Democrats.


A devoted communist who cashed out of his corporate Family to get involved in direct action.


In addition to Fergie and Anne, Stella Schnabel, 39—daughter of the painter Julian, sister of the art dealer Vito—Fergie’s on-off partner, lives here, along with the pair’s two-year-old son, Viktor Gonzo Cox Schnabel Chambers. They’re all still getting their bearings in New Hampshire. They only moved here from Alford this past January for its lax gun laws and low tax burden, after Fergie decided to cash out.

“I don’t want to pay taxes to Uncle Sam,” Fergie tells me. “Objectively, somebody like me should pay almost all of their money in taxes, but if I can legally evade giving that to the U.S. war machine, I will.”

The Free Press article is long and interesting. Fergie Chambers is, if nothing, honest about his motivations and goals, his family, and the long history of Democrat politics that led him ideologically and fiscally to where he is today.


James Middleton Cox, the original patriarch, was the Democratic nominee for president in 1920—FDR was his running mate—and two-time governor of Ohio. Fergie’s grandmother, Anne, the only Cox Fergie seems to have anything nice to say about—“She was a bad mother and an absent WASP, but she was not cold as a grandmother”—was the ambassador to Belgium under President Carter. She had a cardboard cutout of Obama in her living room, and she took her private plane to canvass for him in 2008.  …

<Fergie’s father, the eldest boy, is a progressive for his time and a black sheep in his own right. He was a dance major at Bard, and believes deeply, I am told, in the power of chiropractic medicine. He is also a vegetarian and a biodynamic farmer (his farm, Honey Dog, is 15 minutes down the road from Fergie’s Massachusetts outpost) and he is obsessed with bees. He’s married to Nabila Khashoggi, daughter of Adnan, the infamous arms dealer and once the richest man in the world. They have one son: Ulysses Layth Adnan Cox Khashoggi Chambers.

When asked …if he supported Hamas, Fergie answered in the affirmative: “Yes,” and added, “Hamas is an indigenous anti-colonial resistance group.”


And Fergie likes to mentor local college kids. Kids who also support names like Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren. What could go wrong? Oh, wait. We know. The whole campus protests domestic terrorism schtick.

More at The Free Press.

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