No Nazis in Ukraine?

Someone commenting at GraniteGrok as Doyle shared some thoughts under an article by Ed Mosca, titled,  ‘Maggie Hassan Supports Nazis.’

The actual Nazis were ended in 1945. Maybe rather than use a stupid word like that you may want to be surprisingly accurate and call them national socialists. Of course then your BFF Putin is at the top of that particular list so there’s that. In 2019 Zelensky ran on an anti corruption platform and if you were interested in the truth had been making head way in that area until your BFF Putin criminally invaded the Ukraine again. Don’t forget 2014 or else I may believe you have a closet affection for the Kenyan. So even in the midst of this war Zelensky has been routing out corruption in his oh so copious spare time. I’m not sure what drives so called conservatives like yourself to be so willing to enslave an entire people at the tender mercies of you BFF Putin because you sadly believe Ukraine is some kind of epi-center of world corruption, it clearly is not. Washington DC and the USA make Ukraine look like amateurs as do many other places in the world. Sadly you have been given Ukraine as a freebie and sadly believe that if Ukraine were gone somehow much that is evil in the world would be gone and somehow the Biden crime syndicate’s money machine would dry up…you can not be that delusional. Please explain really why you hate Ukraine in rational terms and not hand waving glib rhetoric….you cannot. You are aiding and abetting Putin’s dictatorship and putting your head in the sand ala Neville Chamberlin win net the same result, the war you obviously seek. Never give a totalitarian a cheap victory if you can, I know to logical for you to understand, you’re just that stupid.

First, as I commented, this is a perfect example of Alinsky – pick a target, freeze it, polarize it. Extra rations for you after the Revolution, Comrade.

Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin!  Putin! 

Second, ignoring a vast amount of history – both recent and not – Doyle pretends that all this happened in a vacuum; NATO’s relentless expansion towards Russia was done despite promises not to do so.  So some information and, you know, historical information on that:

Ukraine-Russia: Look… SQUIRREL! – Granite Grok

And lastly, the Nazis were defeated.  And are no more.  A relic of the past.  Gone.  Erased from history.



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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