New Research: HCQ Saved Lives - Granite Grok

New Research: HCQ Saved Lives


Despite recent victories, the war on health freedom has not yet been won, but things are looking up. New efforts to impose mandates are met with significant resistance as fresh intelligence surfaces concerning old battles.

Ivermectin has been the beneficiary of increased praise as researchers continue finding new and unique ways to show us how well this stuff may work on a wide range of conditions. And we can imagine, some years from now, a COVID Karen, faced with something horrible that Ivermectin could treat, refusing it because CNN called it horse dewormer. That’s on CNN’s red sheet, not that they much care.

The other whipping boy of the COVID-19 left is Hydroxychloroquine, which raised its head in the first few weeks and months of SARS CoV2 inspired medical tyranny. Many early treatments outside the “approved” death-by-hospital protocol included HCQ with or without Azithromycin, passing under the radar until then-President Trump mentioned the drug.

You would have gotten a less reactionary response from sprinkling holy water on a demon. HCQ is an affordable, well-tolerated treatment with millions of human doses to support its safety. And now we’ve got new research showing that it saved the lives of COVID-19 Patients.


brand-new scientific study compared hundreds of hospitalized recipients of hydroxychloroquine (and azithromycin) with thousands of controls who received standard hospital care. …

It looked at very sick, hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and tried to see if hydroxychloroquine, given with or without the antibiotic azithromycin, would help save lives. …

After adjustment for these variables the OR for mortality was 0.635 (95%CI 0.464–0.875). Patients who did not receive HCQ had a 57% higher risk of mortality.


That is not a tiny number – from the Researcher’s conclusion.


Treatment of COVID-19 using a combination of hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin was safe and was associated with a statistically significant mortality benefit in the treatment of COVID-19 infection in hospitalized patients. Our findings do not support the current negative recommendations regarding this treatment.


Hold on to this news as traditional flu season peaks from January to March. HCQ is not – to my knowledge – recommended for ordinary flu, and you certainly wouldn’t use it for the head colds making the rounds after school was back in session. However, COVID is still out there (as are the approved narratives), but research is piling up that proves severe cases can be treated with HCQ and Ivermectin.

COVID can get nasty in the right person, but it doesn’t have to kill you if you are that susceptible.

There is also the issue of doctors clinging to the failed CDC protocol. Many of these same do-no-harm professionals won’t prescribe HCQ and Ivermectin, even if it makes sense, probably becasue the Hospital they work for will spank them.

You could find a new doctor, but when you are already feeling lousy, that’s not the best time, so telehealth might be the way to go. It is legal and recognized almost everywhere these days, one good thing (or bad if abused) that came out of the Pandemic politics.

That is, as always, up to you and your family, but there is a growing mound of supporting research, with admittedly too few media outlets sharing it. We’ve been sharing it, to borrow from Obama, since day one. We will continue to do that with your help. We get a lot of leads from readers and encourage you to do the same.

Crowdsourcing works, and so does Hydroxychlorqunie, according to these researchers.


HT | Igor Chudov
