The Israeli “War” Needs To Be Questioned

In a world where narratives are crafted and pushed upon people who just want to live their lives in peace, we suddenly find these recently divided United States uniting around the cries to “stand with Israel.”

Of course, there are the requisite looping videos of atrocities dutifully paraded across our screens intended to stoke the necessary righteous indignation desired by the powers that be to manufacture more consent to advance the “war on terror,” as if that’s even winnable. Ironic, too, coming from a media known to build an industry from the axiom “if it bleeds, it leads.” To wit, the war on drugs has left us with more drugs and addicts; the war on poverty finds us more impoverished than ever; the war on racism seems to have only created more of it. Whoever is waging these wars apparently sucks at winning them. One has to wonder why.

Despite years of being encouraged to sympathize with Israel’s plight in the Middle East, where they were attacked by five neighboring Arab nations the first day they declared statehood, there are always two sides to every story. As a Christian, I take God at his word that “those who bless Israel will be blessed,” however, that blessing doesn’t extend to violating His other commandments, including loving one’s enemies and using discernment.

Rather than believe everything my attractive and articulate television personalities tell me, I’ve lived long enough to learn we need to question everything, including what appears to be an obviously unjust attack on Israel.

The first question is: how did Hamas manage to slip past the most advanced intelligence group in the world despite warnings from Egypt and elsewhere they were about to be invaded? Footage of para-gliders and motorcyclists reveals the method chosen by the poorly funded and poorly equipped terrorists who managed to basically walk through a front door normally secured by drones, cameras, armed guards, wired fencing, and checkpoints with impunity. Some reports from within Israel state the IDF took 3-6 hours to respond when they can do so in 30-45 minutes.

Call me crazy, but these facts seem to mirror what happened on September 11th, 2001. We were told a small band of relatively unskilled men from the Middle East had managed to outwit the other most advanced intelligence community in the world. Also, having been warned from within and without of an imminent attack, they commandeered advanced aircraft, despite recorded aviation incompetence, took over gigantic planes, and flew them into American skyscrapers and the Pentagon.

Upon further review, we learned the maneuver to crash a plane into the Pentagon required the same suspension of the laws of physics as Lee Oswald’s magic bullet. The cameras around the Pentagon must have also been installed by the same company that equipped Epstein’s jail cell, as they somehow managed not to capture a plane hitting the building. Of course, this was overcome by the plane’s inability to leave any fuselage as evidence. Oh well. We later learned the culprits, supposedly devout Muslims, were seen partying and drinking in Las Vegas, some were on known watch lists, and Saudi Arabia even threatened to sue the United States for implicating their citizens, who not only didn’t die in the attack but still walked the streets of Saudi Arabia? Somehow, that never made the news cycle.

Out of those ashes came a group of over 1,000 architects and engineers who, to this day, question the official narrative that the Twin Towers, literally built to withstand impacts from airliners, failed and collapsed upon themselves, strangely reminiscent of controlled demolition. I’m neither an architect nor an engineer. I am, however, willing to listen to those who are and tell us something isn’t adding up.

As for the slow response time by the IDF, it reminds one of the similarly sluggish response from the American Air Force who we are told was positioned to deal with such an event within minutes, yet were inconveniently detained that day by an offshore exercise where they were war-gaming…wait for it…a scenario where planes were hijacked over America. This incredible coincidence gave the planes enough time to fulfill their mission while giving our military the plausible deniability it needed to explain their incompetence. Oops!

Last night, Jesse Waters on Fox News harangued the public with the necessary vitriol aimed at the “animals” who did this. Meanwhile video of a young woman being kidnapped played in a constant loop as he interviewed a despondent boyfriend and a former special ops expert, giving us their take on the attacks. His outrage may be valid, as well as theirs. However, combined with the video barrage, it still acts as propaganda. No time for questions – it’s time for vengeance was the message. Never mind the apparent incompetence of the IDF and Mossad; we need to turn Gaza into a parking lot. Really? The only solution to the murder of innocents is to murder more innocents. Why does this dehumanizing logic sound familiar?

If you still weren’t convinced, then you needed to be told about the babies that were beheaded. If this is true, and it may be, it is absolutely horrific. However, I am struck by the hypocrisy of the Biden administration, which champions killing defenseless American babies in the womb, suddenly championing those a few months older and in another country. Excuse me if I question the change of heart, but I am again reminded of a similar story used to gin up outrage. You may recall the “killing of the babies in incubators” girl from the Gulf War. We later learned that was a lie and she was a niece of one of the warmongers; however, it served its purpose.

Turning to the complaints from those who support Palestine in this, we are told Israel is an apartheid state. Is it? If so, why does Israel allow Palestinians to have seats in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset? Why does Israel allow them to hold positions such as doctors and lawyers, yet Lebanon, an Arabian ally, will not? How was Donald Trump able to broker a peace deal between Israel and several of its previously hostile neighbors?

Just when you quit worrying about climate change, pandemics, the war in Ukraine, and your latent racist tendencies, you now have a new and super-righteous cause upon which to focus your patriotic and even global duty. Don’t ask questions, idiots, you wouldn’t want to be un-American when we need you to support the latest thing, would you?


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