Democrats Stuffing Ballot Boxes to Steal Elections From Democrats - Granite Grok

Democrats Stuffing Ballot Boxes to Steal Elections From Democrats

Democrats cheat. Just ask Bernie Sanders. They’ve robbed him at least twice, and what did he get for it? Bernie Bros didn’t feel the Bern. Not at all. They moved on, embracing similar tactics to help the guy who robbed Bernie win an election. Tactics used by Democrats against another Democrat in Bridgeport, Connecticut.


The current mayor, Joe Ganim, has been in office since 1991. A felon, Ganim went on a seven-year hiatus beginning in 2003 to serve time in a federal correctional institution after being convicted of a slew of corruption charges. But in December 2015, he was sworn back into the mayor’s office.

Ganim is currently running for reelection to his eighth term as Bridgeport mayor. One week ago, in the Democrat mayoral primary, he eked out a win over challenger John Gomes by 251 votes. A few days later, the Gomes campaign released a video showing a Ganim supporter making numerous pre-dawn trips to the ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center:

(source) The video, which was posted to the Gomes campaign Facebook page, shows a woman dropping stacks of papers into an absentee ballot box outside the government center in Bridgeport, where the city’s registrar of voters office is located.


I’m not sure there’s anything here to see. After all, numerous examples of thoroughly documented Democrat mules stuffing ballot drop boxes in Dinesh D’Souza ‘s documentary didn’t mean anything. If you look up 2000 mules, Wikipedia, the Democrat’s online encyclopedia, says,


The film falsely claims unnamed nonprofit organizations supposedly associated with the Democratic Party paid “mules” to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election.


A Democrat mule stuffing a ballot box in Bridgeport, CT, can’t be true either, certainly not to progressives who are beholden to the approved narrative on such matters, even if they’ve captured it on film. But here’s the Gomes campaign stepping off the Democrat plantation to suggest that a woman “recommended for criminal charges following an investigation into complaints about absentee ballot handling in Ganim’s tight 2019 primary against Sen. Marilyn Moore,” has illegally stuffed another ballot drop box.



Good luck with that; just remember what Democrats do to people (including Democrats) who dare to disapprove of their tactics. They treat them like Republicans.


HT | PJ Media
