Watch as Poster Sized Page From the Book, ‘Gender Queer’ Offends Town Council

Steve MacDonald

The folks ranting about Book Banning™ settled on that becasue it stimulates a deeply held American belief that they abhor. Free Speech. They want nothing to do with it. Just ask Facebook, pre-Musk, Twitter, and other Big Tech effluent. Banning is their “business as usual.”

They even got the FBI, CIA (IRS, FDA, CDC), and others to help ban words in digital print. “Limiting” is part of the foundation of Democrat Socialism, as is lying. Banning and censoring are their lab meat and wormy non-GMO potatoes. So is censoring people like this guy waving the truth in their faces.


A Cumberland, Maine, Town Council meeting became heated Tuesday evening when a parent [Scott Jordan] confronted the Councilors with sexually explicit images from the book “Gender Queer” which is in the town’s school libraries.


You can see a clip of the confrontation below, which is … disturbing and amusing (content warning). I wish it were the school board, but Scott Jordan has been trying, like many parents and taxpayers in New Hampshire, to get the attention of the people in charge, including law enforcement. There’s a reason why we don’t expose children to porn, which is enshrined in local, state, and federal statutes that no one seems inclined to enforce.


As Jordan lifted up the images from “Gender Queer” for the Town Council to see, one Councilor, Robert Vail, yelled at Jordan to put them down because they were too “inappropriate” for the public Town Council meeting.

“Mr. Jordan — do not — put that right down! Put that right down! That is inappropriate material for a forum,” Vail demanded as Jordan repeated that “this is in our schools,” while holding up the images.

“Mr. Jordan — and you are now sharing it publicly with everyone that has an internet connection,” Chair Mark Segrist told Jordan.

“This is a forum that is open to all people of all age groups — that is inappropriate material to bring to this forum,” Vail said. “And if you have a problem with that, I’ll ask you to leave.”




“You’re ok with this? And you’re telling me not to show it to our community — but our school says it’s okay to have for our kids?” Jordan asked the Town Council.


It is a necessary evil, but not one you can publish as an ad in the paper or on local television. Obscenity laws prohibit that. But leave it on a shelf in a library where any kid of any age can access it, and efforts to remove it are labeled book banning.

Where is the newscaster reporting live on how they can’t show you the page from the book (some parent wants removed) in the school library because it violates public obscenity laws? They can’t read the text for the same reason. And does that mean town councils, school boards, newspapers, and reporters covering these events have banned it, too? From public notice, yes!

If you handed that out to kids on the corner, they’d be arrested and forced onto the sexual predator watchlist. Maybe that’s the litmus test. Supporters of keeping books like Gender Queer (or any of the other books they are defending) in school libraries should stand on a busy random street corner and hand copies of the drawings and pictures in these books to children in support of keeping those books in the schools.

Hand out pages of descriptive text promoting adult-child sex, illegal drug use, self-harm, and rape.

If you are proud of what you feel compelled to expose children to, get out there and do it. Expose them to it on the street corners of America. You know better than their parents, so get to work.

One note of caution. You’ll probably be arrested and labeled a child sex predator, which begs the question: why aren’t you also that when you do the same thing in schools and libraries?



HT | The Maine Wire


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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