Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s Center for Antiracist Research Accused of “Fear of Retaliation and Discrimination”

Boston University (BU) has dropped the hammer on its (anti)racial darling, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi (Ibram Henry Rogers). Staffing has been slashed as BU investigates his Center for Antiracist Research over accusations of retaliation, discrimination, and “an underwhelming output of research.”


Multiple former staff members allege that a mismanagement of funds, high turnover rate and general disorganization have plagued the Center since its inception.

The $43 million, according to 2021 budget records obtained by The Daily Free Press, includes general support, such as the $10 million from Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, as well as donations for specific projects. ..

A week after the layoffs, BU announced Wednesday that they received complaints “focused on the center’s culture and its grant management practices.” …

The complaint detailed multiple high-level employees leaving suddenly and allegations of a workplace culture that included fear of retaliation and discrimination.


According to the report, nothing was done about the complaints. It also notes that “Boston University and Dr. Kendi believe strongly in the Center’s mission, and … he takes strong exception to the allegations made in recent complaints and media reports.” What mission might that be?


“My hope is that it becomes a premier research center for researchers and for practitioners to really solve these intractable racial problems of our time,” Kendi said to BU Today. “Not only will the center seek to make that level of impact, but also work to transform how racial research is done.”


That was three years ago, and as noted above, the Center has mismanaged grant funding and produced little to nothing with it. Is that becasue the intractable problem of our time is Ibram Kendi, CRT, and the systemic division of the American People since the elevation of Barack Obama to the Presidency – The black man who destroyed decades of progress on race on purpose?

Nothing that happens at the Center for Antiracist Research is likely to produce unifying revelations becasue transforming racial research has happened, and the result is racism as the default setting. The conversation is no longer, as Dr. King would have it – about content and character. It is about the systemic inculcation of groupthink: that reverse racism is not racism unless you mean the people using the term who are most certainly fragile white racists.

It is a ridiculous argument that trips over its own shoelaces every time it targets people of color who refuse to accept the distinction. Black, brown, red, yellow, green, blue, it makes no difference. The transformation of racial research is in the same vein as the political concepts of diversity and equity. Diversity is a room full of people who appear different but think exactly the same things. Equity is an act of force that redistributes rights, wealth, or property from the people who think differently.

Dr. Kendi’s accomplishments to date are dividing people and working to ensure they stay divided, a path that leads not to liberation, be you black, white, or anything in between, but back to slavery, this time to the national government and its puppets perched in complicit state capitols across the increasingly fruitless plain.

Put another way, and I know we say this a lot: they are using you, and you will be discarded when that use ceases to have value or be necessary, and neither your gender nor your skin color will protect you.


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