The political left had a literal meltdown over The New Hampshire State Board of Education supporting Prager University’s Financial Literacy course for the Learn Everywhere program. The word was out, all Democrats across the state of New Hampshire needs to show up for the State Board of Ed meeting and oppose this program.
I attended the State Board of Ed meeting and began my testimony saying that I believe that a quality education for children includes a good teacher teaching the content to students. I’ve known the value of a highly educated instructor who can teach students quality academic content. However, there are times when that is not available to children. Or maybe a child has been bullied in school and needs an alternative. Then there needs to be a next-best choice for families.
The Prager U videos that will be available to students offered 15 – 5 minute videos on subjects that should be learned by students in a financial literacy class. They covered topics like simple and compound interest and taxes. The content was good, and there was no political bias expressed in these videos.
So why did Democrats turn out to oppose Prager U’s videos if parents need that alternative? Prager U has an obvious right wing bias as a political organization. It makes sense that one would want to know if that bias was included in their materials. Those who watched the videos could see there was no political bias. Had there been a political bias, I would have opposed them. It’s bad enough families have to fight the left-wing bias they see all the time in their schools, we don’t need to copy that in any materials. We need good quality academic content for students. The videos provided that.
Let’s compare this battle to the battle waging across New Hampshire by parents who have requested the removal of explicit pornographic content available to their children in their public schools. Where have all of these Democrats been? Why have they been absent in that battle?
Pornography in the hands of a child can be harmful. According to, giving children pornography is considered child sexual abuse. You would think that anyone willing to fight these videos would surely fight against pornography for children. Sadly these same people have been absent from protecting children from child sexual abuse.
We have examples of left-wing propaganda given to children in Bedford’s Personal finance class. Students were required to read a book of Marxist propaganda several years ago. Parents objected to that book, but those on the left supported it.
It sounds like if the political bias is left-wing, these people are good with it. If they believe it’s right-wing, they will show up and fight it. Even if the content if bias free.
So what’s more important to fight? Pornography for children or financial literacy? When it comes to Democrats in New Hampshire, sadly it’s financial literacy.