And the Name of the Oct 28th Grok Event Is ... Still Being Voted On (Doh!) - Granite Grok

And the Name of the Oct 28th Grok Event Is … Still Being Voted On (Doh!)

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We asked readers to help us name our upcoming event in October, and we got quite a few responses and more than a few that were similar or the same. These then went to the panel of folks helping organize the events so that each could pick the ones they liked best. The plan was to have that name by the time this post was published.

That didn’t happen.

The name and the event will be announced tomorrow on these pages and at the Right of Center (ROC) meeting to help encourage attendance and support and, primarily, to get folks to share it with their folks and save the date. October 28th, 1-4 p.m., at the Londonderry Fish and Game Club.

The voting is very close, and we are still waiting on some votes. One vote could change the winner or result in a tie, so I want to wait until everyone on our board of Grok event ‘directors’ has submitted their favorite.

If I get the votes this evening, I will announce the winning event name first thing tomorrow morning before the ROC.

If we vote for a name with multiple submissions, I will do a drawing with the submitter’s names. If you were the first to submit it, you will get a number of entries equal to the number of times it was suggested, including your own. The next person will then get one less number of entries, down to the last person who submitted it, who would get one entry.

Maybe you are Primrose Everdeen, who knows?

We’ll mix them up in a hat (I have several), and my wife or one of my kids will pick a name. I will then email that person to ask if they want their name public or wish to remain anonymous. We will honor either request and update the post announcing the event name.

Becasue a tie is possible, the organizers will each vote again on those two event names, and we will announce that when we have a winner.

I know. It seemed simple enough when we set out to do it – the naming, I think the event organizing will be easier – but as it turns out, we received a lot of suggestions, but we should have it decided and announced by tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who emailed and the two handfuls of folks who submitted suggestions in the comments. We appreciate you all getting involved with us and look forward to seeing you at the event. Updates will be provided as we firm up all the moving parts.
