So ... When is This "Reporting" Thing Going to Start? - Granite Grok

So … When is This “Reporting” Thing Going to Start?

If the flag banners sprinkled around the site have not given it away, our fundraiser has reached a plateau. We’re stuck at 31% and have been for two weeks. Not unexpected and in part due to other things I’d like to share.

As an update, we still need to raise more money, or Steve (yes, I just referred to myself in the third person) will have to replace his soon-to-expire day job with another one that might not leave him time to do as much of this as he has in he past. That’s right. The impending dismissal remains pending. The layoffs are guaranteed. We’re all getting the boot. But we’ve passed the target date and have moved into WTF territory, as in When the …not what the!

I’m happy to be working, but it would be nice to know the date of the last official day. It can be difficult to move forward until then. Working full-time for GraniteGrok is not my only project on hold. Other writing jobs may await my time or expertise – what of it there is.

I half-expected to have a few lingering Grok projects underway before the end of July, but that isn’t possible yet. I need to be working full-time from home. That’s still the plan. And we hope to raise enough to reach our goal to make that possible for the next 12 months … and then we get to do it again.


Once online, the plan is still the same. More oversight, attention to ongoing projects, the App, an Ad free VIP version, more reporting from events and press conferences, the state house, hearings, interviews, dinners, the never quite on-again podcast, and so on.

That’s the update. I didn’t want people who had already donated to wonder what the heck was going on with their generous gift. It is much appreciated and will be put to use soon, and with any luck, we’ll raise the rest in the next few months. I’m patient and hopeful. And I’d like to start trolling events and getting some interviews and doing that reporting thing.

Not yet, but we’ll let you know when it happens.

Thanks Again!

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