US Media Getting “Desperate” for Any Hurricane – How About in California?

It’s far too early in the season to be worried about whether we’ll have a hurricane or three to grease the gears of the global warming fear machine. But the media is getting desperate. They are grasping at anything they can find to scare you.

At least one ABC News affiliate I saw was gah gah over two storms that have drifted off the West Coast of Africa, and they are likely, not alone. Scary weather is good for click and hits, and NOAA has updated its forecast, increasing the number of named storms and actual expected hurricanes.

The media is acting like an excited 5-year-old at the sight of the magic kingdom. But is it exciting? According to NOAAs national hurricane center…not yet. But there are two systems with a 40% chance of becoming cyclones in the next 48 hours. Invest 98L and Invest 99L


NOAA NHC 8-17-23


Radar 8-17-23


All that warm water, global boiling... One report I read was trying to sell how active the Atlantic season has been so far. Sorry, we’ve been watching. It has been a dud so far despite the bath water in the Atlantic.

The Pacific, however, has been busy. They’ve got Hurricane Hilary headed toward Southern California, Tropical Storm Fernanda (eastern Pacific) following behind Tropical Storm Greg (Central Pacific).



6 AM MDT Thu Aug 17 2023
Position 15.2 N 107.1 W
Maximum Winds 65 mph Gusts 75 mph
Movement WNW at 11 mph
Minimum Pressure 982 mb



I’m sure they’ll find time to blame this on you; it is, after all, a trillion-dollar global scam industry they are protecting.

And the next six to eight weeks are a sweet spot for the Atlantic Hurricane Season. If the bath water is going to help crank up some climate fear, this is the time.

And that’s likely why the media is getting excited.

Thunder, Lightning. With my media spear and magic helmet, I will call down storms from the heavens and crash them upon your eastern shores.

Then blame your SUV.

It’s coming.


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