35% Of Democrats Think Biden Should Run Again Even if He Took Bribes from Foreign Interests

The only thing more stunning than 45% of polled Democrats saying Biden needs to go if he is guilty of accepting bribes (Hunter, Laptop, China, Ukraine, Shell companies, Etc.) is that 35% of Democrats don’t. Even if guilty of taking money from foreign influencers.

They think he should stay and run again.

Over one-third of the Democrats polled were okay with their president having been paid to peddle foreign interests at the expense of the American people. The same folks, if I had to guess, who lost their mind for four years over the lies about Trump being compromised by Russia. But even without that, this is an incredible statistic because no one else agrees.


In our online poll of 1,341 adults taken from July 5-7, with a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points, we answered that question: Biden is not likely to weather the political storm.

A strong majority of 63% in our poll suggested that President Joe Biden should either be impeached (33%) or resign immediately (30%) if the charges prove true. Just 20% said Biden should “Stay in office and run again in 2024, if he wishes.” Another 17% said they weren’t sure.


And the evidence continues to mount against Biden Inc.


  • Hunter Biden admitted in court during his failed plea deal hearing last week that he received over half a million dollars from a company with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), appearing to contradict his father’s earlier claim that no one in the Biden family made any “money from China.”
  • As we noted earlier this month, Hunter Biden requested $10 million from his Chinese partners in the CEFC energy firm because, as Hunter noted, the Bidens do “exactly what the chairman wants.”
  • [T]he “chairman” was “CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming, who paid Hunter a $1 million retainer fee for legal services in 2017. Hunter also received a large diamond from Ye in February 2017 worth an estimated $80,000,” as reported by Breitbart.
  • An FBI document, FD-1023, which was obtained by the congressional committee investigating Biden family corruption, cites an informant who alleged that Joe Biden and Hunter received two $5 million payments from Ukraine energy giant Burisima.
  • In testimony video-taped while in hiding, a key witness also testified that the Biden family was tipped off by the Justice Department about an ongoing corruption investigation into the Bidens’ questionable dealings.
  • In yet another recent revelation, the Bidens received $1 million in 17 separate payments from a Romanian who was later convicted of corruption. Sixteen of those payments, Fox News reports, went to Biden shell companies.
  • [There are alleged to be] “as many as 20 shell companies set specifically up to take in payments from overseas, [that] suggest the Biden family could have taken $40 million or more in bribes.


And that’s the shortlist. Very short. Still, stunning and doubly so when you consider the lede without the corporate media pouring resources into investigating any of this.

They sent an army of reporters and lawyers to pick through Governor Sarah Palin’s trash in 2008, but credible evidence collected by Joe’s business partner and son was disinformation. And still, 45% of Dems in this poll think Biden needs to resign (26%) or (drumroll) should be impeached (19%).

Imagine if these alleged indiscretions received a fraction of the attention the media spent on the debunked Steele Dossier or Justice (then Judge) Kavanaugh.

It’s nice to dream, but back in the real world, even if Republicans do nothing – which is what everyone is predicting – Biden is a problem for Democrats. And maybe that’s their strategy. If Republicans make him look bad enough, the Dems will get rid of him, and the Georgetown Swamp Water Rino Collective won’t have to besmirch their tusks.

Not before his term expires. Cacklin’ Kamala is a problem too. Not one they wouldn’t steal another election for – they’d do that for Biden. But either of them, after four years, makes doing that a lot harder than it needs to be.

In the end, the DNC will find a candidate for whom a close election “can be won,” but right now, that’s not Joe Biden. Any notion to the contrary is an affectation. And don’t be surprised if they push him into and through the primary, and then he dies on the campaign trail. His last-minute replacement will be someone younger and with broader appeal who can run on Biden’s grave. His legacy. His promised future utopia (barf!).

I wouldn’t put it past them – the DNC – after all, I thought they were going to –  sorry, HE would die from COVID during the 2020 circus with similar intentions. It checked all their boxes, but they dragged Joe across anyway. I can’t see them doing that again. Managing him has got to be exhausting.



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