More Meme Overflow (Overflow!) And It's FRIDAY! - Granite Grok

More Meme Overflow (Overflow!) And It’s FRIDAY!

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

My apologies if I have not been living up to the level of Nitzahkhon’s Meme-a-saurus, but I promise he will be back in a few weeks with exactly what you’ve come to love.

Until then, I’m still winging it, piling up the images, and pouring them out three times a week. If you missed Monday Memes or the Wednesday Overflow, you can view them at the embedded links.

For previous explorations into meme-land, search Monday memes or click one of the tags at the end of the post.

Not everyone will appreciate the content, so please scroll responsibly – I feel there are some things that will offend someone.





























































































