Maine’s Democrat Legislature Kills Proposed 72-Hour Waiting Period for Firearms

Maine has made a habit of following Vermont down the progressive bilge-hole, but in a surprise move, its Democrat majority legislature narrowly defeated a bill to impose a 72-hour waiting period to buy a gun.

Related: Red Flags Everywhere as Vermont’s Gun Grabbers Get Their Three-Day Waiting Period

The gun grabbers trotted out the “it reduces gun suicides” canard, which was met intelligently with facts.


Rep. Donald Ardell, R-Monticello, said the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, on which he serves, heard testimony that only one of the more than 114,000 gun purchases last year was used to commit suicide within that 72-hour period.

“To limit the civil right of 114,089 Mainers to protect one person from their own self-destruction is not good policy and doesn’t represent or even protect the vast majority of Mainers,” Ardell said.


And as we all know from watching the decline of Vermont, Democrats love suicide. They just want to run that too. If they can grab some guns along the way, more power to them. That is, after all, the single motivating factor behind everything they do. So this is a pleasant surprise but don’t get too excited. They’re still Democrats.


Other bills include L.D. 22, which targets straw purchases, a term used when someone buys a gun for a person who is prohibited from having one, and L.D. 1340, which would ban so-called rapid fire devices that can make semi-automatic firearms fire like automatic weapons.


The three-day waiting period will be back, and they will find a way to get that sh!t through the goose, and Mainers will have no one to blame but themselves.

On a related note, it’s a vast state. Perhaps the more liberty-minded counties should consider seceding to form their own. It is an idea that is growing in popularity out west.

Or you could ask New Hampshire to annex you; we haven’t entirely lost our minds yet and could use the support.


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