EU Will Need Pigs to “Fly” to Reach Climate Goals

by Steve MacDonald

People who know how to get elected continue demonstrating how ill-equipped they are to lead. Take the European Union, for example. They are committed to destroying modernity for what amounts to nothing. But pigs will fly before they discover how badly they’ve botched it. I’m serious about the pigs.


The fat of dead pigs, cattle and chickens is being used to make greener jet fuel, but a new study warns it will end up being worse for the planet.

Animal fats are considered waste, so aviation fuel made from the material has a much lower carbon footprint.

Demand for fuel made from animal by-products is expected to triple by 2030, with airlines leading the charge.


Pigs will fly, are flying (I suppose), but astute readers will have already worked out the flaws in the plan. If you’re not there yet, think about the war between feminists born as women and the transwoman movement. Many on both sides salute the same party flag or pray to the same secular gods, but there’s a schism in their “church.” The “Workers” aren’t united. Biological women’s rights have taken a backseat to “men pretending to be women’s” rights. TERFs vs. the new man-girl patriarchy. Sunni vs. Shia. Red Sox fans vs. Yankee fans.

There are hostilities betwixt the twain.

The green movement has its fair share of splinter groups, at least one of which can’t stop talking about what a strain livestock is on the planet. There’s an entire industry chasing fake and emitting more carbon than the animals in answer to this virtue signal. When you filter out the profiteers, there are always some die-hard green zealots left in the sieve who also want green fuels, but to make planes fly thanks to pigs, you’ll need a lot of pigs.


According to Transport & Environment, a flight from Paris to New York would need fat from 8,800 dead pigs if all the fuel came from animal sources.


Talk about unsustainable, and that’s not news. The bio-jet-fuel industry, driven by self-defeating EU climate policy, has alternatives to the alternatives, but they are worse for the environment than the real thing, as if the alternative was ever better (It’s all very deck chairs on the Titanic and the Paris Climate Accord is the iceberg).


[I]f you put on a massive extra demand source from anywhere from aviation, in this case, the industries where fat is currently being used, will have to look for alternatives. And that alternative is palm oil. So aviation indirectly, will be responsible for increasing the amount of palm oil being pulled through the European systems.”

The increased use of palm oil is linked to rising emissions as older forests which store vast amounts of carbon are cleared for new plantations.


So none of it works, and most of it is more carbon intensive so that someone can claim they tried to stop something that’s not happening and isn’t a threat if it were.

Flying pigs and greased Palm(oil). That’s the climate scam n a nutshell we could be crack by finding people to elect who may not seem electable but who have at least an ounce of common sense. But we’ll need almost as many of them as you need pigs to fly from Paris to New York.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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