Can You File a Car Insurance Claim Without a Police Crash Report? - Granite Grok

Can You File a Car Insurance Claim Without a Police Crash Report?

Auto collission accident headlight Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

Are you making a car insurance claim for an accident that wasn’t reported to the police? Maybe you were involved in a minor accident, and you’re wondering whether or not you’ll be able to file a claim.

Or perhaps you had an accident, and the other driver refused to report it to the police. You’re wondering what you should do without a police crash report.

Take a look at our guide to finding out if you can get a car accident claim without a police report.

How Insurance Companies Handle Claims Without a Police Crash Report

When a car insurance claim filing without a police crash report, in most cases, insurance companies will still accept the claim and proceed to investigate the claim. Generally, insurance companies will ask for any information available, such as the following:

  • other party’s name
  • insurance information
  • description of the incident

Because police crash reports can provide a more accurate description of the events leading to the crash, the lack of this important detail may lead to longer processing times and lower settlements.

Insurers may also want to use third-party appraisers to determine the value of the loss, which may cause similar delays. To avoid some common claim mistakes you should avoid when getting insurance, it is best to contact your insurer and check their policies on the matter.

When You Can Expect Your Claim to Be Filed Successfully Without a Police Report

Yes, you can file a car insurance claim without a police crash report, as it is not always necessary to provide a police report to your car insurance provider to file a claim. Depending on the situation, you may be able to file and get your claim processed without it. Generally speaking, if this is like:

  • damages are minimal
  • there are no other parties involved
  • you are not at fault

You should be able to get your claim successfully filed without a police report. The only time a police report might be necessary is in cases of significant damage, especially if there are other parties involved and/or the fault is unclear. As long as you provide sufficient evidence of the accident, you should expect your car insurance claim to be filed successfully without a police report.

Understanding the Role of the Police Crash Report in a Car Insurance Claim

In conclusion, filing a car insurance claim without a police crash report is possible, and the decision to do so is ultimately up to the policyholder. It is best to discuss this option with your insurance agent to see if it is the right choice for your situation. For assistance with this and other important questions about your car insurance policy, contact your local agent today.

Sometimes, you learn the most from reading other peoples’ experiences, like when they had to get their car insurance claim filed without a crash report. Visit our blog often so you can become better informed!

