Where Men are Women, Women are Men, and Children are Nervous

Steve MacDonald

Some folks might call it getting red-pilled. The discovery that the world Democrats have constructed for their believers is, in fact, a complete fraud. There’s an entire movement attributed to it Called Walk Away, and when anyone high-profile walks away (even a little), they inspire others to do it.

This is why the Left loses its hive mind, and the progressive pod-people attack that messenger. It is also why we need to support them, at least regarding that message, because it is an open eye, and with some support, we might open a few more.

This came to my attention care of Ace of Spades HQ. Actress Evangeline Lilly is (apparently) not that down with the Democrat struggle despite her time in Hollywood and its attendant structures. She has, in the past, (and I did not know this), expressed doubts about the political and pharmacological response to COIVD, much to the dismay of the usual suspects. A trend she continued with this bit of wisdom about the genderizer.


“Why are we only applauding masculinity in women and villainizing it in men? And why are we only applauding femininity in men and debasing it in women? Why can’t we just allow for all of it?” Evangeline writes in the caption of her photo. “Why do we feel the need to vilify a man wearing shit-kicker boots, driving a pick-up truck who’s not afraid to punch someone in the face, but if they were a woman, they would be the epitome of cool? Why is a man who loves make-up, cries easily and stays at home to tend to the domestic responsibilities valiant, but a woman who does the same is pathetic?”


Hearing someone from that world articulate it this way is almost refreshing. And you know the answer to the question. The gender flip-flop, have-a-wack, give your genderless dog a bone has nothing to do with gender roles, rights, ending discrimination, or being you. It’s just politics.

Remember when the Left was pushing gay marriage? The honest activists behind it were adamant the goal wasn’t about creating a right for same-sex couples. It was to end the institution. To undermine every American institution. Anyone who questioned them was called a bigot, and the fact was dismissed, but that’s still the goal.

The enemies of liberty are chaos, disorder, and uncertainty, and these have blossomed like invasive weeds from the political left over the decades, growing currently, at hypersonic speeds, around sex and gender. A nation where men are women, women are men, and children are nervous (or at least their parents are).

The goal is to make it impossible for anyone to think or speak straight (literally) because a world like that is easy to conquer and rule. They make us all hate each other and rule the ashes.

I can’t say if Evangeline Lilly has made the full leap, but she’s clearly suspicious of the forced march of contradiction, and she has articulated the matter well, and they have to hate her for it.


Also, care of AoSHQ, a lifelong Democrat’s walk-away story.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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