Vermont Gloats Over Its Gun-Grabbing as Maine Tries to Keep Up

The super-majority Democrat legislature in Vermont can have whatever it wants and it has. From terrible energy policy to denying residents of their second amendment rights, Vermont Dems are pushing as hard as they can to take away your liberties.

We’ve been following the Gun-Grabbing, but Vermont Digger has a quick review of this year’s assaults on liberty.


This year’s roster consisted of S.3 — already signed into law — which bans paramilitary-style training camps such as Slate Ridge; S.4, which would primarily bring Vermont state laws on straw purchasing and serial number tampering in line with federal law; and most high-profile of all, H.230, which would implement safe storage rules, broaden existing red flag laws and institute 72-hour waiting periods for gun purchases.


As noted, S.3 is the law in Vermont. The other two may need a veto override, but as noted, that’s not an issue. Vermont Dems are happy to stand on the victims of gun violence in pursuit of … more victims of gun violence. Everything they propose has been tried and proven a failure. The shadow of gun grabbers is filled with rising crime, including violent crime and gun crime.

Cities like Burlington and Brattleboro are already experiencing this, but since crime prevention is not even a concern for the Left, they will forge ahead at the expense of Vermonters who eighter sat on their hands or bought the lies the Dems keep selling.

Meanwhile, over in Maine, which is on the same downhill trajectory but a few years behind, they are fondling a three-day waiting period for firearms purchases. They are also looking to close the gun-show loophole, which is another made-up problem that does not exist. The real target is private transfers which advocates claim can reduce crime, but criminals don’t follow the law, and cities like Chicago are proof these infringements disarm law-abiding citizens and no one else.

There is zero evidence that Democrat gun-grabbing bills reduce suicides or prevent criminals from obtaining weapons or committing violent crimes. What we do know is that the more of these laws they pass, the worse crime and violence become.


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