The Great Unifier Now Has States Fighting States

Ray Cardello

One of the beauties of this great country is the 50 states that make up our Republic are allowed autonomy and the freedom to create their character. We have 50 individual states that have their strengths and weaknesses. Since our inception, a healthy competitive nature has existed to attract people to each state as visitors or residents. That is until Joe Biden took the oath of Commander in Chief.

Biden has amplified debate on numerous hot-button issues that have people exiting some states while migrating to others. Two states that have always claimed to be the most desirable in the Union are now hemorrhaging residents. A Representative in the United States represents about 760,000 people. California and New York lost a Representative based on the most recent census IN 2020. Conversely, Florida gained one Representative, while Texas gained two.

Some of these issues include the availability of abortion services, including late-term procedures, income and sales taxes, quality of education, and availability to use your tax dollars for your school choice. The majority Party of the state government was important to some, with Republican-run states gaining population at the expense of Democrat-controlled states. These issues can be contentious, but none have the volatility of illegal immigration. This issue, which will be the signature failure of Joe Biden, is pitting city against city, county against county, and state versus state to the point of court action being the resort.

There are stark differences in philosophy and application between Conservatives and Liberals on most issues, but the differences regarding the influx of illegal aliens are mind-boggling. It starts with the concept of Sovereignty. A country is defined by its geographical boundaries. Republicans believe in secure borders with specific ports of entry. Democrats do not see a need for boundaries and have more of one-world thinking. This flow of humanity is not immigration; to say so is a mockery of the legitimate immigration process and an insult to people who take the correct way to access citizenship.

Today, two comments were made by Democrats that show the absurdity of their beliefs.

President Joe Biden was asked about the troops he sent to the Border and whether it was a sufficient show of force to stem the tide of people crossing our Border. He responded that these troops were not there to be a deterrent but to do the administrative work so that the Border Patrol could do their job and ensure the true function of our Border, which is to facilitate the flow of “asylum seekers” into our country. Biden doesn’t see a Border as a barrier but one long welcome mat to let anyone cross.

How can our President be so wrong? His job is to protect our Sovereignty, and he clearly shows, by his words. he does not understand or believe in our Sovereignty. He is not fit for the job.

Hank Johnson (D-GA) insulted Republicans yesterday with disgusting rhetoric. He claimed that Republicans love seeing illegals lined up on the Border, identifying them as cheap labor, and Republicans would return to slavery if they had their way. This repugnant individual should have been loudly booed by both sides and escorted out of the Capitol. He doesn’t deserve a seat in the People’s House. He is not fit to be a human being.

This fish on the Left is rotting from the head down. Joe Biden is everything but what he promised in 2020, and the Left is okay with that. He is setting an anti-American tone, and it is contagious and sickening.









  • Ray Cardello

    As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Ray started his website, Conservative View from New Hampshire, in January 2021 and publishes an article daily. He has published over 1,500 articles, is syndicated on 15 websites, and has published on over 65 sites. Ray has recently added Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles to his site to address specific issues of Maine, his second home. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. He believes that sites like Granite Grok are the way to offset Left Wing propaganda and politicians’ gaslighting.

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