Is NH Associate Attorney General Anne Edwards a Viable Candidate to Become a Superior Court Judge?

Ken Eyring

NH Associate Attorney General Anne Edwards has been nominated to be an NH Superior Court Justice.

In our Constitutional Republic, justice is supposed to be blind, and those who are accused of wrongdoing are supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Additionally, those who have committed wrongdoing should be held accountable under the law. But that is not always the case because the achievement of those altruistic goals is incumbent upon those who have sworn an oath to uphold and defend our Constitutional Rights.

Unfortunately, it has become commonplace for activists throughout government – including judges – to violate their oaths… so it is essential that only qualified people with impeccable moral values be appointed to the bench. It is essential that those who adjudicate do so with strict adherence to the Constitution and devoid of any personal bias as the basis for all of their decisions.

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
– John Adams

Does Anne Edwards meet the criteria to be an impartial justice?

New Hampshire’s five Executive Councilors will vote to accept or reject Edwards’ nomination. Whether you are for or against her appointment, now is the time to make your voice heard. Members of the public will have an opportunity to provide public comment during the Executive Council meeting THIS WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2023, AT 2 PM in the Governor and Executive Council Chambers at the State House, 107 N. Main St., Concord, NH.

You can also submit your public comments via email to:

This is an opportunity for NH citizens to be involved with the appointment of who will adjudicate issues in Superior Court.




  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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