Bad Roll, Or Bad Transportation Secretary

Typically, the average American does not know who the Transportation Secretary is. Still, in the last two years, our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, has been front and center far too often. We have had seven significant transportation-related situations during Pete’s watch. He has not handled any well.

One of the problems is that Mayor Pete has developed a bad track record of slow response to each situation. The second problem has been Buttigieg, and the Administration, lying to America about cases and solutions.

Pete Buttigieg is considered the front-runner for Democrat nominee should Biden finally decide to pass on a second run. This fact tells much about the state of the Democrat party. Buttigieg has no experience. He was the Mayor of a small city and, from all reports, not a very successful one earning him the moniker Pot Hole Pete. This title was because Pete could not even handle the craters in the roads of South Bend. The reality is that Pete is attractive to Democrats for one reason- He checks off boxes. He has some military experience, he is a married Gay man, and he is a Mother. Three boxes are enough to catapult someone to the head of the line. Qualifications? Who needs them when you are diverse?

This diversity vs. competence is evident in every corner of Biden’s Administration. From Joe, Kamala, and Karine Jean-Pierre in the West Wing to Granholm, Mayorkas, Blinken, and even Yellen have disappointed America with their performance and policies. When Biden nominated a candidate for the Supreme Court, his focus was on a Black Female, not the best candidate. Gavin Newsom is doing the same thing in California. He is on record that if Senator Feinstein steps down before her term expires, he will replace her with a Black Woman, not the most qualified individual available, but a Black Woman. If any business person were to make that declaration, they would be guilty of discrimination in their hiring practices. They would be breaking the law, but apparently, the law does not apply to Democrats.

We have not solved the supply chain issue and the bottleneck at the ports. Buttigieg’s solution was to move the waiting ships further offshore and out of sight. That is not a solution. That is deception. We have abandoned the people of East Palestine. The cleanup is incomplete, and the plan to avoid long-term health issues is non-existent. We are looking at another holiday of heavy air travel, and nothing has been done to solve the IT/system deficiencies that have crashed our airline schedules numerous times in the last two years. We have a pending Pilot strike against Southwest Airlines, and we have heard of no action by Buttigieg to avoid the work stoppage. This administration, specifically Pete Buttigieg, is never proactive but reactionary and inadequate.

The next 18 months are going to be brutal. The Right will continue to point to facts as we critique this administration and why we need a Republican back in the White House. We will let the other side sling slurs, insults, and innuendos. We have tough skin and will persevere. Buckle up, and let’s move forward to victory for us and the country.

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