The Left’s Net Zero Colonialism Will Kill Billions of Brown People

The improbability of Net Zero as achievable or as a means to prevent the climate cult’s world-ending apocalypse mythology (were it even true) has done little to slow the progressive pursuit of it. They seem almost giddy at the thought of how many lives could be lost.

If not giddy, then indifferent.

We’ve reported on the inhuman, almost slave-like conditions at mines in third-world countries. The environmental damage from these projects is generational. But the Climateers dismiss it and forge ahead. Industry oligarchs are happy to reap the whirlwind of financial rewards without fear of being labeled racist human traffickers or polluters. And generations not yet born can’t punish today’s politicians for a life of debt and taxes for which they had no chance to vote.

None of this concerns the Left. So, what about this?

Net Zero policies will significantly reduce global food production.


The recent experience in Sri Lanka provides a red alert. “The world has just witnessed the collapse of the once bountiful agricultural sector of Sri Lanka as a result of government restrictions on mineral fertilizer.”5 The government of Sri Lanka banned the use of fossil fuelderived nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides, with disastrous consequences on food supply there. If similarly misguided decisions are made eliminating fossil fuels and thus nitrogen fertilizer, there will be a starvation crisis worldwide.

The early estimates are that 40-60% of the world could starve absent fossil-fuel-derived fertilizers, pesticides, and farming. Does anyone doubt that 40-60 percent of those starved would be brown people? Human beings do not want to be poor. They want cheap, reliable energy and the ability to use it to improve and lengthen not just life but its quality. If not for them, then for their children.

Irony Alert

The leading global lights behind this man-caused mass extinction of brown people also wear the mantle of their protector. And how ironic is it that the same people that rant endlessly about the evils of colonialism are projecting it from The West, into their lives, through energy policy?

Related: If Climate Change “Colonialism” is a Real Thing Greta, Your Whole Movement is Doomed

Millions, if not billions, could starve due not to the environmental damage of net-zero-industry but the absence of agricultural capacity, which is only possible with the tools and technology the Green insist we must abandon.

All because a few Marxist-minded Western globalists, primarily rich white men and women, wrecked the supply chain and the food supply in the name of a phantom boogeyman (CO2) without which life on earth – especially agriculture – is impossible.

And you thought we were joking when we said you were the carbon they want reduced.

If Net-Zero is allowed to move forward as policy and then in practice, energy will become unaffordable, agriculture will become impossible on the scale needed to feed us, and many people will die of starvation.

Hungry people deprived of food don’t stay put.

The promised mass migrations alluded to because of “man-made” climate change will occur instead in response to man-made policies like Net-Zero imposed to mitigate it. There will be violence, war, instability, chaos, a breakdown of modern society, and a lot of death. More dead in fewer years than all of the misery and death attributed to colonialism.

Thanks to progressive anti-colonialists pursuing an impossible goal to solve a non-problem.




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