We Need People to Come to Concord on March 7th to Testify in Person

For both the State House and the Legislative Office Building, enter through the front door. Fill out a pink card if you are testifying and hand it to the person or committee member collecting them. Sign in on a white or blue sheet if not testifying.

Parking info: https://www.concordnh.gov/844/Downtown-Parking.

Arrive early to have time to find parking and to walk to your destination. Pay for enough time to cover 3-4 hours for each hearing. Bring snacks and water.

For the Senate hearing at 9am, sign in on the sheet and indicate you SUPPORT SB272.

Testimony will be limited to 3 minutes.

Bring 21 copies of your testimony to give to the committee if you can. Put your name, the committee name, the bill number, and the date on your testimony.

Personal stories and factual information can be more persuasive than statistics.

Begin your testimony by stating your name, town of residence, and position on the bill. If you have particular expertise in the subject of the bill, give your credentials when you introduce yourself.

For the bills we support, we are asking for an “Ought to Pass” vote. For the bill we oppose, we are asking for an “Inexpedient to Legislate” vote.

You can email a committee before or after the public hearing.

Hearings for HB619 at 10 am and HB368 at 1 pm will be in Reps Hall in the NH State House, 107 N. Main Street, Concord NH, the building with the gold dome. The entrance to Reps Hall is up one floor. The committee hearing the bill is Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs.

The hearing for SB272 at 9:00 am and HB10 at 1:15 pm will be in the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord NH. The Senate Bill will be heard in Room 101. The House bill will be heard in rooms 206-208 Children and Family Law.

The bills:

Support: 9:00 am SB272, is the Senate Bill supporting parental rights.  This hearing will be held in the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH. First Floor Room 101.

Support: 10:00 am HB619,  prohibiting gender transition procedures for minors, relative to sex and gender in public schools, and relative to the definition of conversion therapy. Representatives Hall in the State House.

Oppose: 1:00 pm HB368, relative to protections related to receiving gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care. Representatives Hall in the State House.

The sponsor on this identifies as transgender – MTF. It would effectively turn New Hampshire into a “sanctuary state” for physicians who play a role in gender-affirming care. If a doctor provides transitioning treatments in violation of another state’s law, the law would protect him from subpoena, arrest, or extradition.

Support: 1:15 pm HB10, establishing the parental bill of rights. This hearing will be held in the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH 2nd Floor room 206-208

Advice from a legislator on the Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs committee hearing HB619 and HB368:

Testimony will be limited to 3 minutes, as we expect a big turnout. Please address the bill, and avoid any personal attacks or claims of ill intent from others. We will likely go through lunch to hear the bills.

If your testimony on HB619 also applies to HB368, please make that known in your testimony and then turn your attention to HB10, the parental bill of rights in the Children and Family Law committee.

If you are testifying on HB619 and not testifying on HB368, please fill out a pink card for HB619 and mark your position on HB368 on the blue or white sheet.


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