This Explains Everything …

Donald J. Trump will go down in history as the last Republican elected President of the United States … because NeverTrump and the GOP used COVID as a pretext to rig elections through among other means ballot-harvesting … and as a result States like Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin no longer hold actual elections … they hold ballot-harvesting competitions.

And even if somehow the GOP candidate despite the interference of the Deep State, the bias and censorship of regime-media and Big Tech, the rigged rules in key swing States, etc. etc. etc. … manages to win … WHAT NEXT? The Biden-regime has filled the federal judiciary with communists who will block everything that President tries to do … the Deep State will undermine everything that President tries to do … the grifter Republicans, the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells will oppose everything that President tries to do, unless it pads their pockets.

America as we knew it is gone. It is never coming back. The ONLY hope short of expatriation is internal migration to Red States and then a peaceful national divorce.

But keep on telling me that the real problem is restrictive zoning laws and that massive Russian fleet shelling Hampton Beach.

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