The Morning Mail – March 5th, 2023

On March 5th, 1770, British soldiers killed five men in a crowd on King St., in Boston, that were throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks at them. African American Crispus Attucks was the first to die, an early black martyr in the American Revolution.

We call it the Boston Massacre.

In 1946 Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri popularized the term and drew attention to the division of Europe.

And on March 5, 1971 Led Zeppelin played “Stairway to Heaven” live -for the first time – at Ulster Hall, Belfast.

March 5th is also national cheese doodle day and potty dance day if you can work those two together. Wear an ak-kalpak is a Kyrgyzstan cap if you have one handy, and bring your invisible friends. It is also Kyrgyzstan National Hat Day and multiple personality disorder day.

Today also celebrates absinth, Cinco de Marcho (I’m not kidding), namesakes, and St Piran, the patron saint of tin miners.

The Morning Mail


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The Morning Mail is a selection of content emailed to me by readers, unsolicited newsletters, and other miscellaneous sources. It is content that I find of interest but lack the time to fisk properly. 

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