James O'Keefe Returns With a BOOM! - Granite Grok

James O’Keefe Returns With a BOOM!

James OKeefe

James O’Keefe founded Project Veritas, but he does not need them to do what he does best. It remains to be seen if they need him, but I think the answer is probably yes. While we wait to find out, James is back at it with fresh J6 intrigue.

Matt Rosenberg said some delightful things about the so-called Capitol Riot, Insurrection, and Democrat Party talking point in a previous undercover video in which he underplayed the histrionics over J6. Rosenberg didn’t see anything to justify how the media and the Left were covering the story. The response was hyperbolic, and well – Matt, are you willing to go on the record to clarify some of what’s already on the record?


Rosenberg says no, and when Jame asks why he says, “you know why?”

Because he’s James O’Keefe, and Matt is not allowed to be honest on the record ‘cuz (and this is my speculation) hyperbolic leftists. Why are you giving O’Keefe a story he’s working on or him and it, credibility?

It must be embarrassing. With billions in revenue and global reach, the machine media spends more time spreading other people’s lies than looking for the truth. A product top-heavy with falsehoods, fabrications, and outright fiction promoted with sincerity.

Every. Damn. Day.

O’Keefe, with a fraction of their budget and even less at the moment, I suspect, is doing actual investigative journalism, and good for him. Every. Damn. Day.

On some level, these reporters, who got into journalism as idealistic upenders of apple carts, have turned the occupation into their side hustle. Their full-time job is as a partisan echo chamber for the political elite. Instead of protecting the people and the first amendment, their job is to manage them at the direction of the people they were supposed to police.

As for O’Keefe, he should have no problem eclipsing his former creation, and we look forward to aiding and abetting in any way we can.

