Who Will Protect Federally Licensed Gun Dealers From the ATF’s New “Red Flag Rule”?

The Biden Admins war on your Second Amendment Rights continues despite the majority shift in Congress. They use the bureaucracy’s deep-state swamp rats to nibble, chomp, and stomp on your rights.

Related: Is the ATF Coming for You*, and Will Gov Sununu and AG Formella Defend You From Them If Necessary?

ATF issued a pistol brace rule that turns millions of Americans and perhaps thousands of Granite Staters into felons. What’s worse is that attempting to comply is a trap, and we’ve no word on whether the Sununu Administration and its AG will use HB1178 to help or hinder this federal overreach.

While we wait, the ATF’s new plan to disarm America will take root. If there are no legal federally licensed firearms dealers, there’s no “legal” way to purchase a new firearm.


“Rather than targeting those who display clear negligence and disregard for the law, ATF now revokes licenses without warning at the discovery of a first mistake by honest gun dealers,” Johnston said.

“When Federal Firearms Licensees are forced out of business, ATF adds their records to its digital gun registry that has nearly a billion gun and gun owner records,” he continued. “GOA is already working with Second Amendment champions like Rep. Michael Cloud on Capitol Hill to address this alarming issue and eliminate this unconstitutional gun registry.”


This reads to me like Red Flag laws for gun dealers. They get blind-sided by the ATF without any means for an appeal or – at best – a bankrupting trip through what passes for the judicial process to recover a license they may never get back.

That business is over, making it increasingly difficult for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

The Feds (presumably) seize all the inventory and hand it out to IRS agents or Department of Ed Stormtroopers (I’m only half-kidding). And at some point, it becomes almost impossible to arm yourself or your loved ones – except in states like Montana that step up and say no.

HB1178 is the law in New Hampshire, and it can protect GraniteStaters from federal overreach if enforced, but it didn’t go far enough. Additional legislation to shore it up was introduced this session, but HB 474 does not protect FFLs directly.


This bill prohibits the enforcement of any federal law or rule that might impair a person’s natural right to firearm ownership and natural right to self-defense and requires any public official who attempts to enforce such a federal law to be terminated from their position.


HB474  would prohibit any state entity or individual employed by the state or a subdivision from enforcing any federal rule or law that denies a law-abiding citizen of their second amendment rights, unemploys them, allows the citizen to ask for legal fees in their defense, and prohibits the use of qualified immunity as a defense for violating the lawful right to self-defense.

Does this include refusing to protect rights from federal agents who act unassisted to go after FFLs or individuals found in violation of the pistol brace rule?

It’s all academic now – these rules may never come into force. Lawsuits will likely tie them up for some time, but we can’t dismiss the attempt or the Left’s persistence in pursuing disarmament by any means.

The states are the wall that separates their citizens from federal overreach. But if they prefer to stand idly by and allow these natural rights to be violated, are there any rights they would stand up to protect?



HT | The Burning Platform


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