Milford School Board Bathroom (Policy) Backs Up – No More Urinal Ban …

Milford, New Hampshire, got some unwanted attention this past week. The school board decided that as part of their effort to manage the unnecessarily complex problem of bathrooms and body parts, they’d ban urinals.

Stupid idea. Girls with penises can use urinals. Jeesh.

All that attention resulted in a whirlwind of “input” from all directions under the weight of which the board collapsed like a metal shed roof after a nor’easter. The whole business of segregating students’ restroom needs by tab or slot is out the window.

All-access passes have been figuratively returned.

But hey, they get to keep their urinals, not that boys who were born as girls can use them as easily, so ‘new problem’ (maybe). One that has yet to be thoroughly mined by the culture warriors. We’ve got stalls and urinals in the “boys” bathrooms. Don’t you need to install urinals in the “girl’s” bathrooms?

The approved worldview book of LGBTQI+, chapter 6 verse 9, states that girls can have a penis (just ask all those pregnant rape victims in California’s  “women’s” prisons).  There might even be a Title IX angle in there – equal accommodations and all that -for the lawyers to milk. School districts spend other people’s money, and what is insurance for if not to enrich lawyers?

If one room has wall and floor accommodations, then so shall the others. No exceptions. Just in case one of the “girls” has the other plumbing and can make use of them.

Or would that just piss someone else off?



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