Another Identity Politics White Chick Busted For Pretending to be “Native American”

Steve MacDonald

The most famous fake Indian, Senator Lizard Warren, continues to lead “her people” onto the progressive reservation by making the whole nation her plantation. Less famous Susan Taffe Reed, a Pretendian at Dartmouth, was the director of the Native American Program when busted but got a full-time side hustle in administration.

Related: There Can Be No Indigenous People’s Day – The North American Continent Doesn’t Have Any

The newst Alumnus of Pretendian U was working at the University of Wisconsin.


“Two-spirit” Kay LeClaire (pictured), who called herself “nibiiwakamigkwe” and founded the “queer Indigenous artists’ collective” known as giige, was outed on a message board called New Age Fraud Forum, according to a January 3 article in Madison 365

LeClaire was a “community-leader-in-residence” for the public university who focused on “Indigenous craftwork” and tattooing.


Kay was big on tanning (most French and American “Indians” are), and it looks like she probably colored her hair a few shades darker than natural. Neither is a sin, but the report says she was sensitive when folks brought up how much she tanned, and then there’s that bit about lying.

Lying and being (most likely) an intolerable Social Justice harpy who did the so-called indigenous folks wrong by stealing their heritage for personal and professional advantage. Just like Liz Warren and Susan Taffe Reed.

And after reading her non-apology apology, she should run for the US Senate.


I am sorry […] A lot of information has come to my attention since late December. I am still processing it all and do not yet know how to respond adequately. What I can do now is offer change. Moving forward, my efforts will be towards reducing harm by following the directions provided by Native community members and community-specified proxies.


It’s Wisconsin. They’ll probably elect her in a landslide.


HT | Legal Insurrection


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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