Warm up to This Science: 2022 Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover is at a 56-Year High.

It’s December 8th, 2022, and Southern New Hampshire has no measurable snow. We’ve not seen any yer. The odd dusting or a flurry in the air, but no accumulation. It’s not strange but is atypical. It also gets the local climate cultists wound up.

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These folks said Global Warming meant no snow, more snow, and whatever snow or temperature fit the narrative. ”

But no snow is better. Look! No SNOW! It’s warming.

For all the blather about climate change, they only concern themselves (and us) with warming. This or that will add 2.x degrees C to the earth’s temperature as if that means anything (it doesn’t). But they claim that needs fixing, and that will require sacrifice (yours) and trillions of dollars (also yours) laundered through their “friends and family” network (gated multi-million dollar beachfront homes cost money).

But right now, the northern hemisphere is above the 56-year max for snow cover. Not the mean, the max.


map cover Northern hemisphere snow cover
NH = Northern Hemisphere



“Extensive snow extent early in the season is an indicator of persistent cold as we head into winter proper,” weather blog Severe Weather Europe said.


It puts the global in warming, or should I say “takes” the warming out. But never fear. Record snow cover, warmer fall or winter months (or unusually cold ones) signifies that your addiction to the modern lifestyle is “warming” the planet.

It’s not, but they intend to make you pay for it. Higher motor and heating fuel prices and rising electricity costs (even our water bill has skyrocketed – the result of progressive overreaction designed to get us to use less). And that record snow cover has got to be the result of our warming mother earth.

That’s what they’ll say, but it seems odd that they are not saying it. No one is reporting on the 56-year record snow cover across the northern hemisphere, even when they could use that to peddle their bipolar narrative.

Record low snow cover would (however) be a significant headline across the climate cult landscape, which again reinforces the fact that the entire scheme is about warming, not cooling. More snow is bad for business, and so is record snow cover.

Be sure to share that fact as you deem appropriate. Rutgers Univerity and NOAA tracking show more snow across the Nother hemisphere than we’ve seen since they started keeping records.

It’s science, and it is a fact.


HT | ZeroHedge

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