Some Advice for Candidate Trump - Granite Grok

Some Advice for Candidate Trump

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Whether you agree or not with the timing of Donald Trump’s announcement that he is running for President, his “hat” is “in the ring.” And regardless of what you believe are his chances, I have some advice.

Let some of that sh!t go.

In 2016 you had a clear vision of what you wanted to do, and once in office, you did it. No matter the hurdles, barriers, or less-than-stellar moments, you said it and then tried to get it done. That’s rare.

And while every campaign has to look at what’s happening (or happened), for contrast, what will you do about it? In other words, you can’t win anything by nagging us about how you were mistreated. Let’s assume that’s going to continue at DEF CON 1. How can you still achieve whatever it is you are running to accomplish?

Is there a way to talk about it without sounding like a sore loser?

And since no one in the swamp wants you to clean them out, how do you sell the need without undermining the system you’ll have to navigate to get the job done?

I guess I’m saying that instead of focusing on how it’s all stacked against you (or us) as an underdog, use something you have few others can claim. Experience. What did you learn, and how will you approach this differently?

You are still the outsider candidate. Nothing “establishment” wants you derailing their money or global reset freight train. So, why should we lay the Trump agenda (warts and all) before that, and how will it slow, stop, or derail the political power-brokers and the donor class that supports them to the benefit of regular Americans?

Tell that story to the people. And when the mob opens its mouth to derail you, point out the system they are defending, the inequity of it all, the incompetence (with recent examples), and refuse to support that (or perhaps challenge them on why they do).

And stay on that message.

America is not great right now. It needs a fighter, but it also requires a powerful vision to overcome everything the Left will do from now until weeks after the 2024 election.

It’s a tall order for anyone, but people will listen if there is a vision and a path and complaining about how you were wronged is neither. Using that experience to plot the course ahead, however, could.


