Balenciaga, Pornography, and Your Child’s School

Ann Marie Banfield

The fashion label Balenciaga has come under intense scrutiny by the public recently because of a disturbing ad campaign with Adidas. In the campaign ads, you can see toddlers holding the company’s teddy bear handbags.

The teddy bears are dressed in bondage gear, fishnet shirts, and studded leather harnesses and collars.

The ad campaign was shot by photographer Chris Maggio as part of their Balenciaga Objects collection. 

Included in the photos was a designer bag positioned on top of a pile of papers. These papers were taken from the 2008 Supreme Court ruling United States v. Williams. The case involved laws banning the “pandering” or promoting of child pornography. The case examined whether laws banning the “pandering”—promoting—of child pornography abridge First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

Does the PROTECT Act abridge First Amendment freedom of speech by outlawing the pandering of material that is believed to be, or claimed to be, illegal child pornography?

Tucker Carlson claimed this was “an endorsement of child pornography.

“A child with a teddy bear in a bondage outfit, and a Supreme Court decision striking down a kiddie porn law displayed on the table. What is that?” he said. “Are we jumping to conclusions? Don’t think so. It is what it appears to be.”

The case involved a sex offender Michael Williams, who admitted to a Secret Service agent that he had sexually explicit pictures of his underage daughter. He was charged with the crimes of possession and “pandering.”  He did end up pleading guilty but challenged the constitutionality of “pandering,”

While these details may be important to consider, many people around the country were rightfully disgusted and outraged by what they saw in this ad campaign.

What does all of this have to do with your local public schools? A lot.

Parents across the country are outraged by the pornography that their children can now access through their local public school. The Sora app is a school library app that provides access to books that include images that are pornographic, and obscene. This is leaving many people to ask, what is going on? Why are children now being groomed and sexualized in our public schools, and in campaign ads?

Note from Skip: There are a number of groups around NH that are discovering there is porn in our school.  Via our political action committee, GrokPAC, we exposed a number of NH House Representatives that voted against Parental Rights in keeping their kids safe from such materials. We also excerpted a bit of the pornographic verbiage/artwork in them.  You can see that here.


Adult Themes but Kid Friendly – Do not write or display anything that would cause little Johnny or Janie to run to Mommy and Daddy and ask “what does this mean” because then *I* get the angry emails and phone calls (and yes, I have received them).

And we are going to have to so because the Left (those whose goal is to totally sexualize our youngsters even as young as kindergartners to believe that their sexual nature is their most important attribute) are using their warped and degenerate notion that their “gender identity” should be foremost. They have declared war on those of us who still hew to traditional American values by descending to the use of Porn where our youngsters are: Public School Libraries and classrooms.

And WE are the bigots? We are the degenerates who “won’t get with the program and ?broaden our minds” (and losing OUR moral compasses)? Heck, you can’t even read these “books” at School Board meetings for being admonished by the Chair shouting back “Shut up, there are children present!”.  Or on the radio, on TV, or even pass out copies of the “naughty bits” from said public school libraries to kids as they enter or leave schools while standing on the public sidewalks without getting arrested.

I’m in contact now with several other groups that are now doing the same thing as GrokPAC and so is Ann Marie.  So my decision is this:

Because the LEFT is fighting us by, I’m not going to disarm the ‘Grok by not getting down in the porn mud with them.

We will, however, give notice when we do so.  They are setting their New Rules, so will we.

Like now…because they do NOT want Big Flashlights shown upon them.

Many schools throughout New Hampshire offer the Sora App to children attending their local public school. In SAU34, parents called upon the Superintendent to stop teaching kids to have sex with adults. While many parents may not always approve of books assigned to their children, there is no reason to provide them with obscene or pornographic content. Unfortunately, public school administrators think they get a pass on this.

This kind of sexualization of children needs to stop. We entrust our children to our local public schools, and right now, parents are struggling to trust these people.

What is it going to take for this assault on children to stop? School administrators and the librarians are allowing obscene and pornographic books to be available to children. This is a form of child abuse.

Is it considered child sexual abuse if someone shows a child pornographic pictures but doesn’t actually touch the child?

Dear Stop It Now!,
Is it considered child sexual abuse if someone shows a child pornographic pictures, but doesn’t actually touch the child? Doesn’t a child need to be physically molested in order for it to be considered child sex abuse?*

Please share your feedback
Dear Concerned Adult,
Showing pornographic pictures to a child is considered sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse can include non-touching behaviors.

This is why so many parents are angry.

Parents in New Hampshire are starting to look at the books available to their children in school. Here are a few of the pictures included in some of the books available on the Sora App:
Gender queer book pages

Gender queer book pages 2

Gender queer book pages 3 -


To see if your district subscribes to Sora, click here. If your district shows up, you must then request to access the list of books available in your district. Then take all of this to your local school board to make them aware, and contact your local county attorney to see if they will do something.

Note 2 from Skip:  If you wish to help us, send us an email to  We are going to continue using Right To Knows and get the information as to how these porno books got there.  We’ll supply you with really well written Right To Knows.

And yes, a number of Conservative lawyers are assisting us.  So if your School Board doesn’t want to fork over their card catalog…we are ready to help you protect your kids. It is your Constitutional RIGHT as Parents to be the preeminent person in charge of how your kids are to be raised.

We’re merely here to help.  Let us know where we can start looking – and we can use your help!

NOTICE FOR PARENTS: These are the books that parents are tagging as explicit and offered on the Sora App:
1) This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
2) Flamer by Mike Curato 
3) The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Chbosky, Stephen


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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