Meme Overflow - Granite Grok

Meme Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









I’ve looked at the NatGeo site and can’t find this cover.  IMHO it’s a fake… but the message is still spot-on.  And this is definitely real:


(Image source)



There IS a great replacement, and there IS a move to eliminate the white race.  Just seen today:

One in six people living in England and Wales were born outside UK, census reveals | Census | The Guardian










I recall seeing tweets like “Get the shot or get shot” and – paraphrased from memory, so inexact – “Children of anti-vax parents need to be held down and Jabbed while their parents are forced to watch their descendants being made to surrender to the power of the vaccine”.

I’ve had people I know personally tell me that soldiers should come to my house and force me to have it at gunpoint.  I’ve had relatives (e.g., my Holocaust-generation cousin, and my older sister) tell me, a person with two master’s degrees and a last-time-it-was-measured IQ north of 150, that I’m an idiot for refusing it.  I’ve had people who know the kind of engineering work that I do tell me I don’t understand science.  I have read articles proposing interventions, like drug addict interventions, on family members who refused The Jab.  (Come to think of it, I seem to remember early on, my Covidian wife talking to her Pfizer wh*re BFF that they needed to do an intervention on me.)

Forgive?  Not just NO, but NO to the power of F*CK YOU.








I still know people who “Trust the science” and who think the government is trustworthy.  Yes, we have a crisis of trust in our country.  Too much trust.

A Crisis of Trust – Urban Scoop








On a trip to Europe some years ago I heard a couple at the next table over, talking in English, to the effect that Americans are so stupid because we only know one language.  I leaned over and stage-whispered “That’s because, in America, I can drive for two whole days and still be in America”.

The look on their faces… 🙂






Pick of the post:



Ten-ring hit!




Palate cleansers:




