How Democrat Rosemarie Rung Won and Lost

Steve MacDonald

Merrimack’s Democrats were unable to repeat their 2018 feat. That’s the year they managed to get four Democrats into the Statehouse from my town. This year they got three, and that is three too many, but they’ve got a problem. They won based on a lie.

Rung is by far the most prominent Dem in a still mostly Republican town. She was the only Left-Wing state rep to survive the 2020 purge – we sent three of four packings. And for 2022, she ran on the slogan People over politics. Anyone who ever had to deal with her or either of the other two who clawed their way back into office in the midterms knows it’s a promise they can’t keep.

They’ve probably already broken it. And that’s good news for Republicans if they can pay attention and take some advice.

Under no circumstance is Rosemarie Rung capable of putting people before her Left-Wing politics. All you need to do to prove it is screengrab her social media feeds. That goes for (the other two) as well. Save them to a folder titled “Name of Candidate: people over politics.” When the 2024 race heats up, you’ll have more ammunition than you could possibly need.

Every time she opens her mouth come campaign season, you can say, ‘before you believe her, she lied last time around,’ and bring the “receipts.” If you’ve done it right, you’ll never have to share the same screengrab twice. Can’t be trusted. Lies to voters. No integrity. You get the idea.

And it’s her own damn fault.

Unless she intends to turn over a new leaf.

We should start a pool. If she’s not already broken her people over political pledge, how long until Rosemarie Rung proves she lied on her campaign signs?



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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