Young Americans for Liberty (YAL): Making an Impact for NH Liberty and Freedom Oriented Candidates

by Skip

I’ve run into YAL campaign workers the last couple of election cycles – industrious, seemingly at a lot of places, and with this notice sent out, rather successful in this “Last In The Nation Primary”. Why not call this past Tuesday that – NH IS at the end of the cycle of States holding their primaries.

Anyways, I think this is a great counter-balance to all of the Progressive/Socialist money and workers that the NH Democrats bring in. And in some cases, a stick in the eye to the Establishment Republicans that seem to be more aligned with Democrats than they are with our wing of the Party (they can’t be pushed around as easily). Emphasis mine one this from the YAL folks:

—— Original Message ——
From: <redacted as requested>
Sent: 9/15/2022 1:20:09 PM
Subject: Re: YAL Wins 50+ Races in New Hampshire, Adding Dozens of Hazlitt Members

Hi Skip​,
As expected, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—has secured major victories in the New Hampshire primaries, winning more than 50 races overall and adding nearly 40 Hazlitt members to its national coalition. YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition now features more than 300 pro-liberty lawmakers across America.

From school choice and medical freedom to Constitutional Carry, the Hazlitt Coalition is determined to advance the cause of liberty in the United States, especially in New Hampshire. The dozens of Hazlitt members in the state have been especially vocal against mask and vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, speaking out against government tyranny.

Below is a statement from YAL Hazlitt Action Director Daniel Stuart:

“This week’s victories in New Hampshire prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that people love liberty. The Granite State keeps getting more free with each RINO and socialist ousted by our pro-liberty legislators. As New Hampshire becomes a microcosm for liberty policy, it also acts as an example to the rest of the United States that liberty works.”

Can you use YAL’s perspective?

Thank you,

<redacted as requested>

<redacted as requested>
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And what is Liberty? Simply deciding what is best for you and your family – you know, what the Democrats/Socialists want to take from you as they think THEY should make those decisions “for you”.  Anyways, here’s a list of folks that they backed and who won their primaries:

YAL 2022 Primary Wins- YAL

Congratulations to YAL and these candidates that want you making those decisions!

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